Mistakes in the use of pain medication – damage to the liver and stomach

by times news cr

2024-04-12 15:25:25

What are the most common mistakes Lithuanians make when using painkillers, what effects can this have on their health and how to choose the right painkillers for themselves, family doctor, head of the Aukštadvaris primary health care center Jurga Dūdiene and pharmacist Ignas Popa tell.

Often there is an overdose, specialists are not consulted

According to pharmacist I. Popa, one of the major mistakes made by people using painkillers is exceeding the recommended daily dose of the drug.

“When patients suffer from severe pain, they often ignore the recommended maximum doses of drugs and make their own decisions about which drugs to choose and in which doses to use.”

It is understandable for a patient suffering from pain to make such a decision, but it is very risky – not following the drug manufacturer’s recommendations can lead to serious health risks, such as damage to the liver or stomach. And this applies even to young people with no health complaints,” says the pharmacist.

He adds that it is recommended to consult with specialists – doctors, pharmacists – regarding the choice of medicines.

Knowing the patient’s health history, past and present complaints, they will suggest the most appropriate medications. The specialist points out that you should not follow the recommendations of family members or friends, as this may not only not bring the desired results, but also worsen the current situation.

The pharmacist is seconded by doctor J. Dūdiene. According to her, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the active substances in the medicines and not to mix them in any way. The specialist emphasizes that mixing drugs from different manufacturers creates a risk of overdose, which can lead to serious stomach problems.

“If substances are mixed before they have stopped working, the risk of side effects can be greatly increased – for example, bleeding from the stomach, which a person can notice after a week of taking such a “cocktail” of drugs.

Such bleeding can cause ailments of various severity and nature, arising from the developing anemia. And if it is acute bleeding from the digestive tract, the person needs urgent surgical help,” says the doctor.

Side effects are possible for the stomach, heart, and vascular system

The doctor shares that one of the most common side effects of taking many painkillers is the effect on the digestive system.

“However, I also notice Gaian myths on this matter. For example, people, fearing damage to the stomach, prefer to replace oral medications with prescription ones. However, the reality is that even the prescribed medicine ends up in the stomach anyway. This is because the active substance is distributed throughout our body through the bloodstream – this means that any drug, no matter how it enters our body, reaches the stomach and has an effect on it,” explains the doctor.

She adds that active ingredients that have a negative effect on the digestive system should be avoided, especially by those with digestive tract disorders, such as ulcers or gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Pharmacist I. Popa confirms that some painkillers have side effects on the cardiovascular system. This is especially relevant for older seniors and people with cardiovascular disorders.

However, he emphasizes that in cases where the use of painkillers is unavoidable, it is necessary to choose medications whose safety profile of the active ingredient is suitable for a specific patient. Meanwhile, the risk of damage to the digestive tract can be reduced by parallel use of drugs designed to reduce gastric acid secretion.

The main criteria that must be taken into account when choosing medicines

According to J. Dūdienė, although all categories of drugs have the possibility of side effects, when choosing medications it is necessary to evaluate yourself so that possible side symptoms are as minimal as possible. For example, one of the most common pain relievers people choose is diclofenac. Although this active ingredient is an effective pain reliever, it can also damage the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.

J. Dūdiene adds that the pain treatment recommendations of some European countries state categorically not to use diclofenac for people who have chronic diseases. Instead, it is recommended to choose safer active substances – naproxen or ibuprofen.

According to I. Popa, the choice of drugs should be determined by two main factors – the safety and effectiveness of the active substance.

“The drug of first choice may depend on the patient’s individual health situation and the nature of the pain. Meanwhile, the safety and effectiveness of the drug depends not only on the choice of the active substance, but also on the dose of the drug. In order to maximally reduce the risk of unwanted complications of the cardiovascular system, one of the safest and most effective pain and inflammation-reducing active substances available in Lithuania is naproxen,” says I. Popa.

J. Dūdiene also agrees with the pharmacist: “In terms of strength, naproxen is not inferior to diclofenac, ibuprofen, or injectable drugs, and in terms of safety, it surpasses them.”

2024-04-12 15:25:25

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