«Foreigner without talent, she doesn’t have the level to be on TV»

by time news

Francesca Cipriani she is one of the three guests of the second episode of Beasts, broadcast on Tuesday 9 April on Rai2. The showgirl interviewed by Francesca Fagnani she also returned to talk about Belenwhich he had attacked directly in the past.

Francesca Cipriani against Belen

When Fagnani asks her if she would still say what she said some time ago about Belen Rodriguez, that is, that she was a presenter, like many other “foreigners put on TV not for their talent but for their appearance”, Cipriani confirms: “I really thought so and I I don’t deny what I think.”


«He is not at a level to be on television – he said at Chiambretti Night – He has no talent. There are these foreign girls who laugh, don’t know how to speak, make mistakes, are not prepared. Just for their appearance there are many girls who are put on TV from the airport, they don’t yet have a residence permit who are already on TV.”

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