The 25 Cringiest Moments Ever Seen on Screen

by time news

2024-04-12 16:13:16

It’s quite hard to put cringe into words, but as they once told us about sex – when it happens, you will feel it. Sorry, we had to start with a cringe to warm you up for what’s to come, because we’ve rounded up the 25 cringest moments ever seen on screen. And oh, what an embarrassment awaits you. Scroll with perverted pleasure and remember that if you find it embarrassing, you won’t believe what the people on the screen felt.

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Dan Shilon’s tattoo

These are the days of the nineties, and Dan Shilon (along with another regular guest on this list) is king on Israeli television, and perhaps also in the State of Israel. In one program of “The Circle” there was even a guest, a woman who admired Shilon so much that she tattooed his portrait on her butt. The lady did not hold back and revealed it during the show, in front of an entire audience in the studio, Rita who was shocked and of course Shilon himself who was quite embarrassed by the whole situation. Cringe is completely personal.

Tufai and Agabobo West is mighty

Today, it is customary to say that everything is politically correct and you cannot say anything. When you see things like this, maybe it’s not so bad. The program is “Arab Adir”, the entertainment program presented by the comedian Adir Miller on Friday evenings on the “Network”. The guests are Ami and Eli, two young entertainers who got a slot in the show, and decided to imitate two foreign workers, one from Africa and one from Thailand, with a delicacy typical of the time. A pleasure and delicacy.

Boji Herzog will keep Netanyahu united

The election campaign in 2015 was particularly stormy. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after six years in office, encountered quite a challenge – from Yitzhak Herzog and Tzipi Livni, who jointly ran for the leadership of the “Zionist Camp”. Three days before going to the polls, Herzog was a guest at the “Meet the Press” studio and had to run into an ambush, in which Netanyahu also appeared on the screen – for a “mini confrontation”. During the event, Herzog faltered and promised that he would “keep Netanyahu united” (referring, of course, to Jerusalem). It is possible that in one moment, he lost the opportunity to make history.

Dan Margalit and the Goat

This parade is full of “what the hell were you thinking” moments, and there is probably no more such a moment than the day when the “New Eve” program system decided to bring a goat into the studio. goat. Really fierce. Presenter Dan Margalit wanted to demonstrate how milk that comes from goat’s udders can heal mouth sores. So he sent one of his female investigators to drink the milk from the live udder. The segment became a cult, Margalit has since gotten involved in other things, and only the poor investigator entered our consciousness – in the most wrong way possible.

How is it that one milk dares? “A new evening” with Dan Margalit. Photo: The Educational Television

Shira Felix is ​​tactless

Shira Felix was one of the most prominent journalists of “News 10”, who later went the other way – to the lifestyle programs, that televised no-man’s land where usually no one watches. No one, except for the energetic investigators of the legendary program “Ma Nesgar” – who caught Felix’s interview with a woman who had cancer and had seven internal organs amputated. Felix tried to covet Tsun, and along the way she just came out insensitive. Since then, hardly anyone remembers her appearances on television.

Moshe Hazan

An amazing story from the days of legal reform, which were not long ago: Sefi Ovadia presented the program “Electoral Area”, and was supposed to host a professor named Moshe Hazan – who used to be on the monetary committee on behalf of the Bank of Israel. To his embarrassment, when he turned to a man in the studio named Moshe Hazan – it turned out that it was actually another Moshe Hazan, who was a real estate man. After a second of shock, Ovadia moved on – and Hazan continued on his way and his life. 39 amazing seconds.

His uncle Topaz and the injured woman from the attack

Al Aqsa Intifada was a crazy trauma for my generation. Almost two years in which an entire country walked around with a built-in insecurity – getting on a bus, sitting down to eat pizza or going to a party. And together with the big attacks, somehow this was also the time of the entertainment programs – and specifically, of Dodo Topaz. One day, Topaz came up with an entertainment program – and chose, with typical sensitivity, to bring up a woman injured from an attack that took place that day, and ask her live if she is okay. Mazal, the injured one, of course answered “yes” (as if she could say anything else when there is a camera on her); And the program was broadcast as a series. But it was another unpleasant moment produced by Topaz (and he will be back in this parade as well).

Dodo Topaz (Photo: Moshe Milner, L.A.M.)

Subliminal Tail Tower

“Because I’m real” screamed Subliminal’s jingle way back in 2003, its peak years and the first attempt to hit the jackpot. It worked, partially – Subliminal did make a good amount of money from the advertisement, but it lost a bit of the cool charm of the rapper in favor of the “stolen” charm of the cartoon cat, and in the end the image remained in the memory of the Zionist rapper with the cat’s tail. The campaign itself, by the way, is considered an iconic failure in the advertising industry.

Doron Medley announces in amazement

And speaking of childhood traumas, it’s hard not to go back to the phrase “The Israeli government announces with astonishment” – that catchphrase written in the heat of the moment by Eitan Haber, who was the chief of staff of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the night he was assassinated. The person who chose to conjure up this phrase was precisely Doron Medley – the composer of “Toy”, the Israeli song that won Eurovision 2018. In the heat of joy, and in preparation for the press conference held by the Israeli delegation to Eurovision, Medley shouted the statement in front of all the media. A spectacular display of tact.

Yaron London and the touching of the breast

London is, without a doubt, one of the greatest Israeli television presenters and personalities of all time – but as a member of a very specific generation, he too had divisions. One of them was as part of the forgotten program he presented together with Geulah Ibn-Saar on “Kan 11”, when he told about an incident that happened to him with a woman in an elevator. We will not detail here where it developed – we will only say that Ibn-Saar reacted with despair typical of the time. The program did not last long, perhaps also because of this moment

Dodo Topaz and Hali

One of the sections that haunted Topaz until his last day. As part of “The First in Entertainment”, which of course was broadcast live, Topaz decided it was a good idea to hold a contest in which chocolate balls would be thrown into the mouth of Hali Haim, who was a regular character on the show. On second thought, and Topaz also admitted it afterwards, it probably wasn’t such a good idea.

Sivan Cohen is going to Disney World

One fine day, as part of the “News 10” edition, the journalist Sivan Cohen came in with a crazy story – about a girl who was kidnapped in the “Disney World” complex in Florida, and when she was found with all her hair shaved off, she was under the influence of drugs. Cohen was proud of the story, and even defined it as a “first publication” – until it turned out that it was actually an old urban legend, and the whole story never happened.

Yoram Zak opens a microphone

Welcome back to the time when the number one program was “The Big Brother” – the program that was wildly successful in the first seasons on “Keshet”, and in December 2010 an unpleasant incident took place there – when in a segment that was mistakenly broadcast on the “Mako” website, “The Big Brother” was recorded, the program’s editor Yoram Zak , when he says to one of the contestants, Dana Ron, in one of their dialogues that he wants to “play with her with the bulbul between the breasts”. Zeke apologized, Ron filed a lawsuit that ended in mediation.

Bailin’s obituary for Fuad

In Judaism there is a custom called “after death – martyrs say”. That is, after a person is gathered to his ancestors, it is customary to remember mainly the good things. But there are those for whom this rule does not apply – and one of them is Yossi Beilin, the former minister on behalf of the Labor Party, who was sent to the “Matt” studio (then hosted by Ya’akov Ilon) to eulogize the late Binyamin Ben Eliezer, who died that day. Beilin sent a simple message of identification, and immediately rushed to attack Fuad, claiming that he was “powerful, predatory, and should not be elected Minister of Defense”. What was said? A sweet way to say thank you.

Korin Gideon

That’s it, just like that. Why, is there anything else to add?

Oh, and don’t even get us started on that flop. Erez Tal and Corin Gideon, hosts of “2025” (Photo: Tal Givoni)

Scout Grant drinks urine

Scout Grant (once Elyashiv) has done many things over the years in the world of television, including acclaimed series. But once – she was young and needed the provocation. Between 1999 and 2001, she presented a morning program called “Milkshake”, which was known for its bizarre phenomena. Things reached a climax, when in one of the programs she drank her own urine, as a health virtue. “Only in Israel”, the satire program of the time, pounced on the segments as if they had found a lot of loot – and Grant became famous, not in the way she apparently wanted.

I wonder what Shuli thinks about it. Scout Grant in “Milkshake”. Screenshot: Arc 12

Kifi came to the field

Bloomfield. Saturday afternoon. The game: Hapoel Tel Aviv vs. Beitar Jerusalem, 1987. The Hippoi stadium is full of people, but they are in for a surprise: before the game, a helicopter lands in the middle of the field and out of it comes… Kifi the hedgehog. Broadcaster Yoram Arbel also reacts with great enthusiasm to the appearance of the mythical hedgehog , which was the symbol of the “Hapoel games” that began later that year. By the way, even though it is Hapoel, Kifi wore yellow and blue – which again raises thoughts and doubts.

A chicken is a bird and a cow is an animal

A good opportunity to return to “The Models” – that trashy reality show, which was broadcast in the early days of Channel 10. One of the participants in the program, who was supposed to choose “Israel’s next model”, was Kristin Friedman – who, after saying in an interview that she was a vegetarian, was asked what she liked anyway to eat – and she answered chickens. How does chicken get along with vegetarianism? Because a chicken is a bird, and a cow is an animal. of course.

Gabi Gazit and the belly dancer

Not many remember, but once upon a time Gazit was a real TV star – until he disappeared from consciousness, first from the TV and then from the radio, due to suspicions of sexual harassment. But perhaps the most incriminating evidence regarding Gazit – was even recorded live, in the show he presented on Friday night on Channel 1. More viewers than that? The incident happened when a belly dancer was a guest on the show “Sopsop” presented by Gazit on Channel One, and encountered the presenter – who didn’t really hold back and reached out, in a program that was filmed, broadcast and even uploaded to the Internet over the years. Brother, the eighties, what a beautiful and nostalgic time.

Dana Ron asks too much

Returning to Ron – the “Big Brother” star, who finished ninth in her season, progressed with time and even got a morning show on “Kashet”. As part of the program, she hosted the actress Lucy Dubinchik – and despite her on-air request to avoid personal questions, she made sure to ask them over and over again. and again And then she promised to “expand after the advertisements”.

Ronit Sharo returns to the grove

“A Star is Born” in its beginnings was a masterpiece of Kringe – as part of the auditions stage, which revealed to the world people who really like to sing – but not necessarily know how to do it. One example was that of Sharo, who chose to sing “The Eucalyptus Grove”, written by Naomi Shemer and made famous by the performance of Ofira Gluska. The performance was… how do we say? original.

Tali Metz and the club

Eight in the morning, Channel 2. The children are already at school, the only viewers are those who stay at home because they are sick – or people who do not have work during these hours. Seemingly, pastoral hours that can be passed pleasantly; But not, if you chose to be Galit Gutman. During the morning program of Keshet, after the eight o’clock broadcast, the usual bad conversation developed between the announcer, Tali Metz, and Gutman and the presenter Yoav Limor next to her. Gutman confessed that Lemur had told her earlier that Metz “looked like she’d stepped out of a sado mazou club.” The embarrassment – accordingly.

Uncle Farouk at Opira and Barko’s

It was an accident just waiting to happen – on the one hand, a pair of presenters who have no acquaintance with professionalism, on the other hand, a prodigy from the Internet who makes a borderline and stupid character. The meeting between them, which for some reason is framed as an interview even though no one was interviewed, was a masterpiece of cringe from all sides. Seeing the unfortunate Uri Komai try to wriggle in the character of his uncle in the face of the “serious” questions of the pair of presenters was embarrassing for everyone, and for the audience more than anything. Fortunately, he has since learned and they broke up.

All the presenters of the elder brother

Corinne Gideon you are not alone. So far we haven’t seen a moderator combination that really improved the show. Essie and Erez were also a rolling pile of cringe, and that’s without even talking about the saucy humor in the transitions. Just let the live feed flow and put a slide for sponsorships, we’ll manage without Erez Tal’s creepy smile.

So much cringe. Asi Ezer and Erez Tal, “The Big Brother” (Photo: Oded Karni/Kashet)

The rest of his uncle Topaz’s career

It’s true, the first for entertainment has already appeared in two different sections here, but the man deserves a Lifetime Achievement Award in Kering – the sexual harassment of Natalia Oriaro, the speech of the Chachachims, the sexual harassment of Chichulina, the exploitation of the ratings, the sexual harassment of… ok, It’s getting less creepy and more disturbing. But as a whole, there’s nothing more cringe-inducing than realizing we’ve made this disturbed person our biggest star. Because the real cringe was inside us all along.

#Embarrassing #horrifying #cringe #moments #Israeli #television

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