The “plot” of the US health authority against the drug ivermectin (for Covid)

by time news

2024-04-12 10:38:03

Food and Drug Agency of the United States, known by its acronym in English as FDA, now recognizes that it violated its authority as a health institution by telling citizens to stop taking ivermectin, medicine studied for the prevention and treatment of Covid.

The Ivermectin, an active ingredient with a lot of scientific literature behind and that everything indicates that it could be a good medicine to treat infections such as those of coronavirusbut it seems that it is not interesting.

A study carried out in the University of Navarra Clinic has found that a Ivermectin has the ability to reduce viral load and the duration of symptoms Covid-19 patients. Helps reduce virus transmission. But why is it going unnoticed by the population?

The professor and graduate in Physical Sciences, Marga Mediavilla, drew my attention to the topic. She has worked on it. The results of this study that I cite coincide with 30 similar ones carried out in various countries and all of them find that Ivermectin is effectiveso much for the prevention of Covid-19 as for early and hospital treatment, with improvements in several indicators of the order of 75% or greater in the case of early treatment.

Ivermectin has the “defect” of being extraordinarily cheap, not be subject to patent payment and can be manufactured in many countries around the world, since it is frequently used for livestock. Maybe that’s why it wasn’t the “solution” to the Covid pandemic?

Now we see what happened with the masks, the tremendous speculation and corruption that surrounded their purchases. And we have also seen the Covid vaccineswith their low effectiveness and the records of notifications of deaths and serious damage they have caused.

Photo: Cottonbro studio.

Maybe that’s where the shots go, it wasn’t interesting to give a economic hit in the middle of the pandemic. And the FDA played dirty. As the news from La Razón tells us:

The FDA agreed to remove posts from websites after tweeting that the drug was for horses and that people should suspend it. The most famous post said: “You are not a horse, you are not a cow, be serious.”

During the pandemic there was a lot of speculation about what drugs and treatments could be good for Covid. There is a report that the FLCCC has publishedan organization created in January 2020 by Dr. Paul E. Marikprofessor of medicine and head of the Department of Pulmonology at the Eastern Virginia Medical School, which brings together a group of prestigious North American doctors and researchers who have developed some of the Covid-19 treatment protocols most used.

This work reviews the main medications used against the disease, now that clinical studies are beginning to clearly show their results. He concludes that treatments such as hydroxychloroquinehe remdesivirhe interferon and the serum of convalescents, which in their day aroused great hopes, have shown to have little or no effectiveness.

In June 2021 it began sell ivermectin in Spain. It was included in the catalog of pharmaceutical benefits.

The product is sold in pharmacies under the name Ivergalen 3 mg EFG tablets. The box contains four pills and its indications on the leaflet are for the treatment of digestive strongyloidiasis, filariasis and sarna, among others (it is a powerful antiparasitic). It is no longer in the catalog of foreign medicines.

Something was moving in the Ministry of Healthalthough still Its use was not approved for Covid. And the FDA has not authorized nor approved the use of ivermectin to prevent or treat the disease.

#plot #health #authority #drug #ivermectin #Covid

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