Batteries! Transfers of the Guaranteed Minimum Income have already begun

by time news

Transfers of the Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) began in Bogotá, benefiting, to date, more than 428,000 households in situations of poverty and extreme poverty.

Roberto Angulo, Secretary of Social Integration, pointed out: “we are making the fourth payment of the Guaranteed Minimum Income of 2024 and again we are doing it on time. “We reached 428,000 households, of which 314,000 are receiving transfers from the District.”

The investment for April in this program exceeds $59,000 million pesos, and so far, in 2024, the administration of Mayor Carlos Fernando Galán has invested 239,000 million pesos in the Guaranteed Minimum Income.

In the following post, published in X, the Secretary of Social Integration tells citizens about the IMG news for the month of April:

What are the requirements to access monetary transfers?

Since January 2024, the requirements for a household to be a beneficiary are:

  • Be registered in the Sisbén of Bogotá.
  • Be classified in groups A or B of Sisbén IV.
  • Not receive support from transfer programs from the National Government, such as Jóvenes en Acción, Colombia Mayor or Tránsito a Renta Ciudadana.
  • Have an active account with financial entities that have an agreement with the District Treasury Secretariat: Daviplata, Nequi, Bancolombia a la Mano, Movii, Powwi or Dale.
  • Where can I check if I Or another person in my household are beneficiaries of the Guaranteed Minimum Income?

    Enter and consult all the information by ID number, virtually, here: /guaranteed-minimum-income/#consultations.

    You can also do it in person, by going to a local sub-address, where you will receive all the information. Enter the following link and identify the location corresponding to your location: /citizen-attention/attention-points

    Consult all the information about the Guaranteed Minimum Income here: ABC: this is what you need to know about the Guaranteed Minimum Income in 2024.

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