The cry of freedom resounds on Eid day, and the signs of victory are clearly visible 2024-04-12 15:37:02

by time news

After thirteen years spent by some of those released from Al-Khalifa prisons, the extent of the crimes committed against them gradually began to appear, and the ugly picture of this criminal fascist rule began to become clearer. In addition to the torture inflicted on them in its brutal and sadistic forms, the unjust judiciary run by the tyrant and his gang issued unjust sentences of imprisonment for periods of up to life. The martyrdom of dozens of political detainees, the most recent of whom is the martyr Hussein Al-Ramram, is sufficient to demonstrate the brutality of torture. His family was saddened during the month of fasting and bid him farewell to his resting place after his soul ascended to its innocent place, complaining of the injustice of the Caliphate rule and the death of their hearts and consciences. When fasting people celebrated Eid al-Fitr this week and many pretended to be happy, what were the feelings of the family of the martyr Remraam? There is no doubt that the solidarity of the citizens satisfied them, but the grief that befell the family is unlikely to go away. Some of his relatives and friends spent the morning of Eid at his grave, reciting the Holy Qur’an, praying for his mercy, recalling his life and positions, and promising him to adhere to what he was martyred for. The heart of none of them was beating except with love, prayers for goodness, and supplication to God to save the homeland and the people from this criminal gang that shed the blood of innocents, allied itself with the enemies of the nation, used them to help against the citizens, sided with the occupiers of Palestine, and demolished the mosques. It is certain that every citizen seeks to improve his life within harsh circumstances, but citizens soon find themselves facing difficult choices when they are shocked by the tyrant’s policies and arrogance. This dictator, who allied with the Zionists, is not moved by the suffering of any of God’s creatures. When the occupation forces used their technological capabilities to tear apart the remains of the children of Gaza, the most recent of whom were the grandchildren of the Palestinian leader, Ismail Haniyeh, he did not have the conscience or humanity that would prompt him to announce the severing of his ties with the murderers and thugs. How can a person enjoy the holiday when the enemies of humanity are wreaking havoc, killing and destruction on earth?

Therefore, the question here becomes as follows: What will be the fate of the executioners who practiced the worst types of torture and ill-treatment against the Bahrainis, which in some cases led to direct death within two days of arrest? Isn’t this what happened to the martyr Karim Fakhrawi, Ali Saqr, Jassim Makki and others? What is the point of releases if they will be repeated later and the detainees will again be subjected to brutal treatment that degrades human dignity? Unless the causes of imprisonment and abuse, its means, and those responsible are addressed, these releases are temporary, no different from what are called “open prisons.” It is clear that the Caliphs are aware of the meaning of this, as they have turned the entire country into an open prison for decades. Many of those who left the closed prison to the open prison will not live in an atmosphere of freedom, but rather will be in front of the eyes of the tyrant and his gang. But many of them were also clear in their position and demands. Their chants as they left the prison yard were an expression of the Bahraini people’s prayers for God to annihilate the gang that subjected the country and the people to torment without pity or mercy. It is a repeated story that the people have lived through over the decades, and they insist on clinging to it because they know that they will not achieve happiness and security under the oppressive Caliphate rule. These prisoners know that their return to prison again is inevitable if they insist on clinging to their humanity, morals, and religion. The tyrant and his gang seek to impose a regime that exploits despair among citizens. But he was often surprised not only by the lack of despair, but also by the increasing desire and insistence for change. The people of Bahrain have experiences accumulated over generations that have contributed to raising responsible citizens who believe in God, goodness, justice and freedom and do not compromise on any of them. For these people, despair does not find a way into their souls, and fear cannot invade their hearts, which fear only God, the All-Powerful, the Mighty.

On days like these, 23 years ago, this tyrant issued a decision to release political prisoners and allow the return of the deportees. This was achieved within days, and some believed that he was serious about what was known as the “reform project.” But soon the prisons were expanded to receive an unimaginable number of Bahrainis who demanded political reform. Some of them remained for 13 years, and hundreds of them are still suffering in lines of torture. This professor, Hassan Mushaima, was repeatedly imprisoned and abused until his health deteriorated and he began to live in pain day and night. He spent seven years behind bars during the uprising of the 1990s, and a brief period in the 1980s, and now he has completed an additional 13 years. After more than twenty years he spent in the Khalifa prisons, what remains of his life? What do the recent releases mean? Will it be the last of its kind as long as the Caliphs remain rulers? This criminal clique does not hesitate to commit crimes against the nation, the people, and the free people. Imprisonment, torture, murder and execution are among its methods that it will never abandon. Such a system of government will prolong the night and darkness in the country, and those in charge of it hope that they will be able to break the will of free citizens, and breaking the will is one of the most important things that executioners and torturers aim to achieve. When a person’s will is broken, his humanity disappears. His conscience is not moved for the sake of others. Rather, the individual lives for himself and within his narrow surroundings, away from social concerns, and thus he turns into a slave to other tyrants. This fact is known to the Bahrainis, who have passed it down through the generations, and have become firmly immune to enslavement or surrender. This was evident in recent days from the behavior of the released political prisoners. They revealed to the world the depth of their awareness and humanity, the extent of their adherence to truth and justice, and their rejection of injustice and tyranny. The position of the political detainees who shook the prison with their chants for Professor Hassan Mushaima and his freedom is nothing but confirmation of this revolutionary trend that has deepened in their souls, and they have become unable to take the path of surrender, meekness, or indifference.

Bahrain Eid this time is not like other holidays. There were mixed feelings between what was local and what was Arab-Islamic. The martyrdom of Hussein Al-Ramraam was a turning point in the revolutionary path, after the citizens’ conviction of the futility of relying on reforming the Caliph rule that insisted on abusing free people and taking the lives of innocent people was firmly established. Eid this year turned into an intellectual, religious and political demonstration in order to restore the awareness that tyrants and their supporters worked to marginalize or obscure. Colonialism, occupation, and tyranny all bet on weakening people’s awareness, marginalizing their positions, and transforming them into a state of unlimited consumption that destroys everything green and dry. But God has soldiers made of honey, as they say. The state of faith cannot be marginalized or belittled in formulating principled positions that do not accept anything other than freedom as a path to building nations and establishing a single nation on the foundations of love between people, consolidating the role of faith bonds in cohesive ranks, and rejecting calls for division, marginalization, and weakness. Eid this year was the beginning of a new era whose features were shaped by local and regional developments, in which political prisoners exercised the spearhead by confronting political demands and refusing to compromise their freedom in any way. This giving will continue from those who have been oppressed and persecuted, despite the deepening of the Khalifa oppression imported from the neighbors. The people’s compass will remain firm and clear in its direction, especially with the continuing tension in the land of the Ascension and its impact on the morale of the honorable and free people in the region and the world. How do you know, perhaps this will provide relief for the oppressed and the oppressed who are suffering under oppression, tyranny and occupation. So be patient in the face of trial and affliction, for victory is coming, and that is not too difficult for God.

Oh God, have mercy on our righteous martyrs and make them have sincerity with You, and release the chains of our prisoners, O Lord of the Worlds.

Ahrar Bahrain Islamic Movement

April 12, 2024

2024-04-12 15:37:02

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