Global alert: Iran launches massive drone attack on Israel – 2024-04-13 20:37:23

by times news cr

2024-04-13 20:37:23

An unprecedented military escalation is shaking the Middle East. L’Iran has just launched a massive attack by armed drones in the direction ofIsrael, plunging the region into extreme tension. Faced with this imminent threat, the Israeli army is on maximum alert and the whole world is holding its breath, fearing a widespread conflagration.

Dozens of armed drones targeting Israel

According to information relayed by, this Iranian offensive of unprecedented scale involves dozens of armed drones. Launched from Iranian territory, these remote-controlled vehicles have the mission of striking strategic targets in Israel.

An attack which marks a dangerous escalation in the already high tensions between the two countries. If Tehran’s exact motivations remain to be clarified, this aggression will not fail to provoke a firm response from the Hebrew state, renowned for the power of its army.

Israel on high alert, Netanyahu on the front line

Faced with this unprecedented threat, Israel has placed all its forces on “maximum alert”. The Israeli army announced that “dozens of planes are in flight” to face the Iranian offensive. A general mobilization which demonstrates the seriousness of the situation.

The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself took command of the response. According to our information, he urgently went to the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv to coordinate the military response. A speech from the head of government is expected shortly to take stock of the situation and demonstrate Israel’s determination to defend its territory.

The international community on alert

Beyond the two protagonists, the entire international community is on alert. The great powers, led by the United States, are monitoring the situation minute by minute. An emergency meeting of Western countries was called to analyze the developments and coordinate a possible response.

Because beyond the fate of Israel, it is the already precarious stability of the entire Middle East that is at stake. A flare-up of the conflict could have dramatic repercussions for the entire region, threatening the fragile geopolitical balance.

Towards an uncontrollable escalation?

The great fear of observers is to see this attack degenerate into an open confrontation between Iran and Israel. Two military powers who are fiercely hostile to each other and who will not hesitate to use all the means at their disposal to win.

On the Iranian side, we are banking on the effect of surprise and the saturation of Israeli defenses by the number of drones engaged. A strategy that relies on the destruction of key infrastructure to weaken the Jewish state’s capacity to respond.

But Israel has one of the most modern and best trained armies in the world. Its “Iron Dome” anti-missile shield has already proven its effectiveness in the past. And its air forces are capable of carrying out surgical strikes deep into Iranian territory.

So many elements which raise fears of an uncontrollable escalation, each blow requiring an even more violent response. A warlike spiral from which it will be difficult to escape without major damage.

Faced with this explosive situation, the international community will have to put all its weight into the balance to avoid conflagration. Because one thing is certain: if Iran and Israel slide into total war, the entire planet will pay the price. The world holds its breath, aware that the next few hours will be decisive.

By Valérie Noumba for

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