Early retirement is now closer: all you need to know

by time news

Pensions latest news, here’s what you need to know about early pensions and more

New round technician between government and trade unions on the reform of pensions in terms of flexibility in exit: the table will be held on Tuesday at 18, which will be followed by a political meeting in the following days. According to what we learn fromAnsaa further technical step was necessary, which is why the political table scheduled for 7 is still a new call.

Advance pensions for nurses and socio-health workers

But in view of the new tranche of meetings what is there to know? On the topic early pensions The requests from nurses and socio-health workers are still on the table. Of early pensions for the health field it was discussed on February 8 at the hearing of the trade unions and professional organizations in the eleventh Permanent Commission (Public and private labor, social security) of the Senate as part of the bill no. 2347 first signed by senators Guidolin and Matrisciano presented last August 21st.

“Fnopi, la National Federation of Orders of the nursing professions and the three organizations confederal trade unions CGIL, CISL and UIL, all to ask for the inclusion of the profession of nurse and socio-health worker among those of demanding jobs with the right to an early pension. A request strengthened by the harsh experience of the pandemic and by the now chronic shortage of nursing staff as attested by the XVII Health Report of the CREA which quantifies it in more than 237,000 units “, reads the website Retire Today.

Early pensions, the demands of the unions

“The request to enter the category of nurses and socio-health workers among those considered usurping pursuant to article 1 of Legislative Decree no. 67 of 21 April 2011, while to date it is only one of the so-called “heavy” works, continues the site.

“Few units of nursing staff manage to enter the category of” wearers “because, for example, it is recognized for workers who are on duty for at least 6 hours in the night shift for a minimum of 78 nights a year or if only 3 are available hours in the range from midnight to 5 in the morning, but for a period equal to the entire working year modification would allow nurses and Oss to take advantage of the retirement pension with a minimum of 61 years and 7 months of age and 35 years of contributions plus the simultaneous completion of the quorum of 97.6 (given by the sum of age and seniority) “.

Pensions March 2022, the Fornero reform and the battle of the trade unions

“Within the general campaign of reform of Fornero carried out by CGIL. For some time now, Cisl and Uil have acknowledged the different severity of the work that implies a different flexibility in output according to the type of job. It is time to see the receptivity of the political world before the evidence brought to the discussion table by the various trade union and professional organizations. In the meantime, the resumption of negotiations on the general chapter of the pension reform, which was interrupted on 3 February last and which was to resume with the political confrontation between the Minister of Labor Andrea Orlando and the confederal unions, is on the horizon, but which has been moved to date to be destined “.

Latest news on pensions, seniors at risk of poverty: “Government will calm prices”

Meanwhile, the tension on the retirement pensionsconsidered by many to be too “low” and the dear energy that is draining the coffers of the Italians. “Today and tomorrow we will be in the streets all over Italy for the campaign against the increase in bills and the high cost of living. The increase in prices that reached 4.8% in January, driven by the increase in electricity and gas bills, hits hard above all employees and self-employed workers, the working class in general, already exhausted due to the crisis and wages and pensions among the lowest in Europe. There are 5 million male and female workers who have monthly wages under a thousand euros and hundreds of thousands of VAT numbers have had to cease their activity. In our battered country as many as 27% of the population is at risk of poverty. They state this in a note Maurizio Acerbonational secretary e Antonello Patta, national head of work Communist Party / European Left.

“It’s a dramatic situation produced by years of contractual blocks – they continue – of such limited increases, not only in pirate contracts, that they are canceled by inflation in a very short time also because they are anchored to an index, the HICP which excludes energy prices. It is time to relaunch the struggles to impose decent wages on the government and bosses in the public and private sectors against the clear intention of unloading inflation on wages and pensions “.

We ask the government to immediately approve a blocking order increases in bills such as in France and Spain, to calm the prices of basic necessities, to introduce a legal minimum wage of 10 euros net per hour for all male and female workers, to reintroduce an automatic adjustment tool of wages and pensions to inflation like the sliding scale “, Acerbo and Patta conclude.

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