the father raped his daughters, and the mother did not dare to tell

by times news cr

2024-04-15 00:38:20

The Panevėžys District Court announced a verdict in an exceptional case.

In one family in the region of Aukštaitija, things were happening that are incomprehensible to common sense – the father sexually abused his two young, then adult daughters for many years, and his wife, the girls’ mother, knew all this, but did not tell anyone and also persuaded the daughters to keep quiet.

The father was sentenced to 13 years in prison for the rape and sexual assault of his daughters – a minor and a minor, molestation of a person under the age of 16, possession of child pornography and minor health impairment of a family member.

The court sentenced the girls’ mother to a 10-month prison sentence for abuse of parental rights.

She is also obliged to apologize to both daughters and to work 100 hours free of charge in six months at health care and social service institutions that care for the elderly and sick.

The man waited behind bars for the end of the trial, only his wife came to the hearings free. The sentence will be enforced as soon as it becomes final, but the convicts will likely still appeal.

As the representative of the General Prosecutor’s Office, Rasa Stundžienė, stated, both defendants denied their guilt.

Both their daughters were recognized as victims in this high-profile case.

Now they are adults and live separately from their parents.

The serious case was heard behind closed doors, so its details were not disclosed by the court.

In order to protect the sexually abused girls, it is not revealed in which district these terrible things took place. It is only indicated that it took place in Aukštaitija.

Both convicts are elderly, but not yet retired.

The man is self-employed, but his business is not large. The woman did not work.

This horrible story became public when one of the sisters told a psychologist about the sexual abuse she experienced in the family. Encouraged by the specialist, the girl turned to the authorities.

Investigators discovered that one of the victims had post-traumatic stress syndrome.

According to the data of the case, the father of the girls, taking advantage of the helpless condition of the two daughters, sexually abused and raped them for about 6 years.

During the search, a dozen pornographic photos with children were found on the man’s computer. They were not his, but other people’s children.

Investigators discovered that the girls’ mother knew about the husband’s appalling treatment of her daughters, but did nothing to stop the horror.

Panevėžys district prosecutor Ričardas Juozainis considered that the woman was silent because she did not work anywhere and was supported by her husband.

2024-04-15 00:38:20

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