Cameroon: Scandal at ESSTIC, drugs, homosexuality and witchcraft blacken journalism! – 2024-04-16 08:27:11

by times news cr

2024-04-16 08:27:11

A wind of scandal blows over theESSTICthe prestigious journalism school of Cameroon. The director’s shock decision François Marc Modzom to suspend classes for second-year students lifted the veil on a dark reality: drugs, theft, homosexuality and even witchcraft would plague the establishment. An explosive situation which arouses emotion and indignation, as revealed exclusively by

ESSTIC, a journalism school in decline?

A place for training the future writers of Cameroon, ESSTIC dreamed of itself as a temple of knowledge and excellence. But behind this shiny facade, a much darker picture emerges. Drugged students, serial thefts, homosexual practices… The establishment would have become the scene of unacceptable excesses.

“The situation in this class has become untenable“, confides a teacher on condition of anonymity. “ We are faced with real delinquency, which has nothing to do with what we have the right to expect from future journalists”he adds, bitterly.

Drugs in the amphitheaters

Among the evils that plague ESSTIC, the consumption of narcotics would hold a special place. Cannabis, heroin, cocaine… Drugs circulate freely in the school corridors, transforming the lecture halls into real smoking dens.

« It is an open secret “, testifies a student who requested anonymity for fear of reprisals. “Some come to class completely stoned. They can’t even hold a pen anymore,” he says, frightened.

Homosexuality, the other taboo that undermines ESSTIC

In this establishment in full swing, homosexuality has also become commonplace. Forbidden relationships that would take place even in the dormitories, under the helpless gaze of the administration.

« It’s a taboo subject, no one dares to talk about it. But everyone knows what goes on behind closed doors.”, confides a well-informed source. One more scourge which tarnishes the image of this once respected school.

When witchcraft invites itself into the lecture halls

But perhaps the most shocking thing remains the accusations of witchcraft practices circulating on campus. Some students are thus suspected of using black magic to pass their exams or harm their classmates.

“We found charms and strange objects in some rooms. It’s chilling,” says a member of staff, still in shock from these macabre discoveries.

12 students in the hot seat, a sufficient sanction?

Faced with this explosive situation, management decided to take action. 12 students would thus be brought before the disciplinary council to answer for their actions. A first step, certainly, but one which seems quite insufficient given the extent of the abuses.

« What is the administration doing? How could we allow the situation to deteriorate to this point?“, protests a parent, outraged by the school’s inaction. Questions that deserve clear answers and strong actions.

We must save ESSTIC!

Because beyond individual sanctions, the entire system must be fundamentally reformed. ESSTIC, the flagship of Cameroonian journalism, cannot afford to sink into decay and immorality. Its reputation, its mission, its soul are at stake.

It is time for the school to pull itself together, to find the path to excellence and integrity. To once again become this place where we train journalists who are rigorous, honest and dedicated to their noble mission of information. An immense challenge, but vital for the future of the profession and the entire country.

The authorities, teachers, students, all must take their responsibilities. Together, we must save ESSTIC from its demons, restore its dignity and its role as a beacon of Cameroonian journalism. A difficult fight, but so necessary. So that tomorrow, we can once again be proud of this great school. So that journalism once again rhymes with rigor, ethics and deontology. A question of honor, a question of the future.

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