No civil servant will feel safe anymore! – 2024-04-16 17:36:32

by times news cr

2024-04-16 17:36:32

It is now only a matter of time, and indeed a minimum, for the layoffs to begin with in the wider public sector and immediately after, and after a constitutional revision, also in the straits. Prime Minister Giorgos Papandreou and Interior Minister Yannis Ragoussis revealed this in their interviews in Sunday newspapers, fully confirming the repeated reports of “democracy”.

The Prime Minister, responding to a question – in “Ethnos tis Kyriaki” – if the transfers also mean layoffs, said characteristically: “It is not logical, when you abolish a Public Organization, to evaluate the staff who were serving until then, in order to see if they can to cover other real needs in the wider State, who ultimately makes sense to stay, so that the State Budget, i.e. the Greek taxpayer, is not unduly burdened, especially when you are in such a fiscal situation?”

This approach shows the final decision of the government, apparently under the pressure of the troika, to “touch” the civil servants by putting into discussion the effectiveness of each one. However, Mr. Papandreou, in the same response, claims that “our goal is not layoffs”, in an obvious attempt not to stir up waves of reactions from the employees and trade unionists of ADEDY.

G. Ragousis

At the same time, Mr. Ragousis revealed in his interview on “Vima tis Kyriaki” that a plan for permanency is guaranteed “only for the worthy, but not for those who are proven through unswerving procedures that they are not entitled to it, do not deserve it”.

“When this institutional framework of meritocracy, evaluation and transparency is constitutionally enshrined, then we will have removed the reasons that led us to enshrining permanence and then we will have created the conditions for connecting permanency with evaluation” he added. In this way it paved the way for layoffs from the narrow public sector in the future as well, as the constitutional revision will abolish permanency.

Big changes

In addition, the Ministry of the Interior is studying a new “map” for wider changes in the state with the aim of forming a new type of civil servant.

In this context, the government’s decision is that every public body must draw up a “job outline” based on which employees will be selected to staff the service. It will essentially be about the detailed recording of formal and informal qualifications required by employees for the successful performance of their duties, combined with the analysis of the work environment.

For this purpose, the individual files of the employees will be dusted through which their formal qualifications will be recorded, while they will also be subjected to special tests based on appropriate questionnaires-evaluation sheets.

This practically means that no civil servant should feel secure in their position anymore, as they are massively redistributed and redeployed to the new services based on their qualifications, which, this time, will result from specific ‘outlines’ positions”, as the Minister of the Interior has clarified.

The new regulations will also fundamentally change the existing employee evaluation system, which will no longer be based solely on the judgment of their supervisor. The new evaluation system will be linked to the “job outlines”, the wider mechanism for the mobility of civil servants created after their renaming as “civil servants”, the new arrangements for their hierarchical progression and the new disciplinary law, and of course with the salary.

The government’s decision to impose mobility in the public sector leads to the radical change of the existing personnel transfer system. Thus, the government, immediately after drawing up the new salary list, intends to bring to the Parliament for a vote a draft law which will establish objective criteria for transfers and, in general, service changes, the implementation of which will come under the immediate and absolute control of ASEP.

The Independent Authority will examine the applications of civil servants who request a change in their service status, it will decide whether they fulfill the conditions set based on specific objective criteria (specialty, years of service, branch, qualifications, marital status, efficiency, etc. ) and will or will not give the green light for the transition.

It is recalled that Mr. Ragousis, just last Monday, opposed “blind and horizontal transfers” and announced that he will proceed with an evaluation system for those who are being transferred under the control of ASEP. This means that the redeployed employees, mainly of DEKOs, who do not meet the criteria will be dismissed.

Makarios Lazaridis


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