2024-04-17 18:32:40
Such people are usually born under these Zodiac signs.
Up to the neck in promises, and then a dead end. Once again, Aries forgot to buy flowers, didn’t go to the store for bread, didn’t help clean up, didn’t call his mother-in-law mother, and, alas, didn’t congratulate him on his wedding anniversary. Divorce? Aries himself will not let go of a partner who suffers from his exploits, because where else will he find one? But don’t believe Aries’ promises – he will forget them anyway.
Sociable and pleasant Geminis are liked by women and can impress any beauty. “Isn’t there anything wrong with him being married?” – asked the wife of this girl and began to file her horns. “Oh, what a little thing!” – the Gemini will say and flirt with the neighbor on the staircase. “I’m funny, I’m handsome, I’m a great lover!” And until now, I’m with you – what do you need, such an unbeliever?” – Gemini will say confidently and send his wife to the kitchen (after all, that’s where she belongs).
Here is a secret tyrant and despot. Everything is beautiful in public, but at home – a complete madhouse. Be prepared that Cancers will forever be dissatisfied with everything. No, Cancer will not scold his wife for unwashed dishes. He’ll just shove an unsuspecting “maid” (yes, yes, a maid) with his nose in her mess. But the wife will receive flowers on Valentine’s Day and her birthday, after all, Cancer is noble and magnanimous.
“What are you flowers for? After all, it’s such an expense, we’d better buy you a frying pan. Although why do you need a frying pan? After all, you don’t know how to cook. And why do you dry your socks not lengthwise, but across the radiator? Well, you’re stupid too!” Yes, yes – these are excerpts from the emotional speeches of the Virgin. Living with a Virgo man is a daily moral pressure. And the wife will always be to blame for everything.
2024-04-17 18:32:40