In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of 13 February: The referendums must be rejected: that’s why. (In) justice – The constitutionalist D’andrea: “Illegitimate questions”

by time news


CSM by lot and separate careers: rights already attacking Cartabia

The reform of the minister. Clash Forza Italia and Lega, present the amendments to overturn the rule. Pd: “This way everything vanishes”

Public housing

The Fontana model PNRR: Desenzano like Milan

Brescia beats Milan 72 to 39. These are the millions that the Lombardy Region has allocated to restore the public housing stock (houses of the municipalities and of the Lombard Residential Building Company, Aler). A total treasury of 252.937.245 million from the NRR (the highest figure ever destined for public housing) that the government has […]

The plan of the areas

We need self-sufficient gas: we start again with the drills

Extractions even where it is not possible

The Massacres

La Dia: “Graviano in his cell said that B. asked him about the massacres”

Information on the talks between the boss and Adinolfi

The Copasir

“Russian spies in Bergamo ?. It was a health mission “

The Committee on Secret Services dismantles the “journalists” campaign. Criticisms also of the Quirinale Treaty

Puglia, disputed altarpiece

Confindustria, the blessed Fontana ends up in the canvas of the Cathedral

There is no more religion in heaven above if it is true – and it seems so – that the saints Sabino and Benedict found themselves in what must have been their close face to face, hugged by two strangers: Don Felice Bruno and Sergio Fontana. The first parish priest of the Basilica of Canosa, the […]

Ukraine crisis

Now Biden threatens Putin. Moscow: “Hysterical America”

If Russia invades Ukraine, the United States and its allies will respond “decisively” and make Moscow pay “severe costs”: this is the message delivered by Joe Biden to Vladimir Putin, in their telephone conversation yesterday afternoon. The hope of avoiding a Russian military intervention in Ukraine, which would open a conflict in the […]


War on robes: with B. “shame”, with Renzi all silent

The differences with the “twenty years”

The project

The “Mattarella method” for Draghi forever: premier without his knowledge

No goodbye – He denies it, but his court has other plans

The detection

In the polls “SuperMario” has lost 4 points since November

Mario Draghi loses consensus among the Italians compared to last autumn. The failure to rise to the Quirinale and the fibrillations in the majority cause a four-point drop in the confidence of the Prime Minister. To certify it is a survey by the Demopolis institute for Otto e Mezzo: if in November 62% of Italians had faith in him, […]

The interview – Antonio D’Andrea

“Dangerous referendums. Amazed by Amato: so it only feeds suspicions “

The “Word” of the Constitutional Court arrived via social network two days ago. “It is trivial to say, but referendums are a very serious matter and therefore we must avoid trying at all costs to nitpick them to throw them in the bin”. Word of Giuliano Amato, president of the Council. An “anomalous” statement, according to the professor of Constitutional Law […]

The statute grain

5S, the 2018 rule in the appeal

Stamped cards – objective: to demonstrate that those registered for less than 6 months are always excluded

Il recovery

Research, 40% in the South is worth 30% …

The mess – The “prinn” calls rewritten 3 times: watered down the territorial constraint

Olympic Games

Pieces 5S, Iv and FI try to give it back to the top

Renziani, force supporters, mixed offal, even grillini: the party of the Olympics knows no borders. They all cheer for the Five Circles and for the managers of the Milano-Cortina 2026 Foundation, which the government has just imposed to pay taxes like all other common workers. So, after just exiting the door of the Milleproroghe, the […]

Ecdc – Covid-19

“The pandemic is not over”. Europe is holding back optimism

The EU center for diseases: “Omicron is not the latest variant” Cartabellotta: “The new normality does not erase rules and precautions”

The interview – Enrico Galli

“The refreshments? Four thousand euros in two years “

The patron of the famous Cocoricò nightclub: “We resisted, many others didn’t”

Two bands in Milan

Migrant smuggling discovered: in Europe via Lampedusa

Milan is the center of the smuggling of migrants who arrived from Afghanistan and Central Africa and were helped to arrive in Northern Europe also using carpooling services. Two gangs were discovered by the Milan mobile squad led by Marco Calì, in an investigation that lasted about a year coordinated by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate. Ten people […]

Illegitimate refund

Liguria: must give 93 € to the University for a breakfast

What concerned Stefano Iester, a staff member of the University of Genoa, is a story that goes far beyond the stereotypes about Ligurians and their precision to the cent about money. The Regional Court of Auditors has in fact ordered Iester to pay 93 euros in favor of his University. The reason? Man, in that […]

Asti, future father dies

Mistaken for prey, a hunter killed

A hunting trip ended in tragedy yesterday morning in the woods of Baroli in Baldissero d’Alba (Cuneo). Mistaken for an animal, a 33-year-old hunter was hit by a bullet and died despite the immediate arrival of 118. The Asti Public Prosecutor’s Office, responsible for the area, has opened a file and […]

Prato, drugs from Holland

Chinese workers “doped” to produce more

He was selling synthetic drugs in the city’s ready-to-wear shops and betting shops: a 51-year-old Chinese man was arrested after a search of his home that revealed about a kilo and a half of ketamine and 1,222 tablets of ecstasy. The drug, according to the carabinieri, came from Holland and was hidden in packets of biscuits […]

Salerno, family appeals

Autistic children, services cut: Tar overturns the ASL

Another victory for the families of autistic children against the ASL of Salerno. In the city of the president of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, the local ASL has been cutting the hours of the Aba method for months. The families, with a considerable economic effort, are resorting to administrative justice. And the investment is paying off. The latest […]

The former “King of the Coop”

Buzzi’s cameo in the film with funds from Lazio. Then the “guarantee party”: “Alcohol and socialism”

Isoldi (“few”, the producers assure) made them the Lazio Region. Or rather, his “agency” Laziocrea. The short documentary tells “a story of redemption”, or “from prison to rebirth”. The last minutes of the film, however, risk becoming a spot (albeit “totally free”) at the ristopub opened in Rome by Salvatore Buzzi. He, the “king of […]

the internal conflict

Gazzettino Venice, journalists win: valid assemblies

How do you live in the newsrooms in the time of Covid? Between sick leave, remote work, increased shifts to plug the holes and weight placed on collaborators, frictions are the order of the day. Nothing new, one would say knowing the environment. But not everywhere the air turns red to the point of producing appeals to the judiciary. […]

Black smoke at Miur

Maturity, the second test “is not touched”. Bianchi goes straight. Students soon in the square

“Disappointing”. Use a single word Tommaso Biancuzzi, the coordinator of the Network of middle students to define the meeting with the Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi, on the question of maturity. On Friday, the professor from Ferrara opened the doors of his office to the boys, but closed his ears: “We were only informed of a decision without any willingness to […]


The Ferfa appeal to Cingolani: “Give us back the Forestry Corps”

“Restore the Forestry Corps”. The appeal is signed by Ezio Di Cintio, national secretary of the Forestry and Environmental Renaissance Federation. And it arrived directly on the desk of the Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani. In view of the summer and, probably, of a new fire season, the request arrives: “Italy should have invested in the strengthening of its only […]

Comic matters

Gag in music: when parodies play them for you

You have to have an ear

The escape of the former FCA

The drip of benefits will not save the car

Strategies – While Copasir “discovers” that Stellantis is French-led, the government is studying the usual incentives to cover up Elkann & C’s mistakes. Draghi must guarantee the future of a key sector for Italy

United States

Dems accuse CIA of violating the law: “Spy on Americans”

A hive of data collected in clusters by the CIA, without permission, on the same citizens of the state that it should protect and not spy on: that of the United States. The control operation has been carried out for decades not in foreign lands, as by engagement, but at home. The Central Intelligence Agency has a secret repository of information obtained […]

United States

Kabul’s money to the victims of 9/11

7 billion – the Talib claimed funds from the fed to avoid the humanitarian crisis

“Dossier for sale”

Among Biot’s papers for the “Russians” are NATO relations on Kiev

There were also delicate reports from the Italian representation to NATO on the strategies in the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, among the documents that, according to the carabinieri of the Ros anti-terrorism department, on March 30, 2021 the frigate captain of the Italian Navy, Walter Biot, allegedly tried to sell to Russian diplomat Dmitry Ostroukhov. Biot, under investigation […]

40 stopped, no injuries

Convoy no-vax: clashes, but Paris does not stop

The march of the “convoy of freedom”, which started from the French province to reach Paris and then go straight to the heart of Europe, tried to enter the capital but was rejected. Thousands of vehicles, vans, campers, were blocked at the gates of the capital, while dozens of elements of the galaxy of anti-vax, anti-Macron, yellow vests and antagonists […]

Feud between two premieres

Libya, road map for the vote and militias in defense of Dbeibah

Libyan Prime Minister Abdel Hamid Dbeibah will announce a roadmap for the elections on Thursday 17: the road map is entitled “Restoring the people’s trust” and includes the holding on the same day of legislative elections and a referendum on the Constitution. Dbeibah reiterated his intention not to resign as head of the government of […]

The interview – Nancy Brilli

“The fires in Montesano, the advice of Sordi and Valeri and that meeting with Fellini”

The actress is currently in the theater with Chiara Noschese with the play “Manola”


Marx and miniskirt: at school with “Comrade Natalia”

Antonella Spaliviero’s memoir was released posthumously, which traces the teeming life of the Turin suburbs from the seventies to the 2000s, between culture, emancipation, theater and factory


Crazy stuff: from Eliot to the Pen Club, the artists who fought to free Pound

The poet out of the asylum


“Mafia Mamma” for Bellucci and Cruz whizzes with “Ferrari”

After several years of gestation spent between postponements, production difficulties and changes to the cast, Michael Mann will direct in the coming months in Emilia Ferrari, a high-budget biopic he co-produced and scripted with Troy Kennedy Mart, inspired by the book Enzo Ferrari – The Man and the Machine by Brock Yates. The role of the famous entrepreneur, […]

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