Cameroon: Bloody drama in Etoudi, 2 dead in an accident caused by the municipal police! – 2024-04-18 00:39:06

by times news cr

2024-04-18 00:39:06

The neighborhood ofStunned in Yaoundé is in shock. This morning, an incredibly violent accident cost the lives of two people, struck down by a truck while they were riding a motorcycle. But beyond the drama, it is the responsibility of the municipal police which is singled out, triggering the anger of the “bensikineurs” and paralyzing an entire axis of the capital, as exclusively revealed by

A control that turns into a nightmare

It all started with an ordinary traffic stop. The municipal police officers, nicknamed “ Awara“, intercepted a motorcycle to check its driver’s authorization to travel. Problem: the latter did not have the precious sesame.

A sordid bargaining followed, with the biker offering 5,000 FCFA to the agents to buy their leniency. A sum deemed insufficient by the “ Awara“, who would have demanded double, ” as per usual “. Faced with the driver’s refusal, things degenerated.

A violent interception with tragic consequences

According to witnesses, the officers then tried to neutralize the biker by force, pushing him violently. It was at this precise moment that a semi-trailer truck from Supermont entered the scene, hitting the motorcycle and its two occupants head-on.

The impact, of incredible violence, left the driver and his passenger no chance. Both died instantly, crushed under the wheels of the heavy goods vehicle. A scene of horror which branded the minds of local residents with a hot iron.

Anger is brewing among the “ bensikineurs«

Very quickly, the news spread like wildfire. And with it, the anger of the bensikineurs“, these motorcycle taxi drivers who crisscross the city. For them, those responsible are obvious: the municipal police officers, whose brutal methods have long been denounced.

Exasperated, dozens of bikers took over the street, blocking traffic on the strategic axis leading to the Presidential Palace. A spontaneous demonstration, expression of a rage too long contained in the face of the abuses and corruption of ” Awara« .

« Because of town hall agents, two Cameroonians lost their lives«

« Thus ended the lives of two Cameroonians because of town hall agents“, bitterly summarizes a demonstrator, his voice breaking with emotion and anger. A sentence which sounds like a terrible indictment against these officials who are supposed to ensure the security of citizens.

Because beyond this tragedy, an entire system is called into question. A system where corruption and abuse of power seem to have become the norm, where the lives of citizens seem to come second to greed and privileges.

It’s time to say stop!

Faced with this tragedy, questions arise. How did we get here ? How could law enforcement officers endanger the lives of those they are supposed to protect? What sanctions will be taken against those responsible for this tragedy?

So many questions that demand clear answers and strong actions. Because it’s time to say stop. Stop the rampant corruption that is plaguing our institutions. Stop the abuse of power which endangers the lives of Cameroonians. Stop the impunity that allows these abuses to continue.

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