“Stop the lawsuit, Jorge.” The proposal that Bullrich made to Lanata after crossing with Javier Milei

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Patricia Bullrichy Jorge Lanata They spoke about the intersection that the journalist had with the president Javier Miley On Monday in the morning. The Minister of Security asked him not to move forward with the demand that he anticipated on his radio program and also promised to talk about what happened with the head of state. However, Lanata demanded that Milei apologize for calling him “overstuffed.”

The president pointed out X against the radio and television host for criticizing the participation of the Israeli ambassador Eyal Sela at the cabinet meeting held Sunday night following Iran’s attack on Israel. The President denied that he was present and asked himself: “Does telling the truth require about?”

“I wanted to clarify what it was It was the Government itself that reported the matter saying that the ambassador had been at the entire meeting. Then, he rectified it in the morning and said without clarifying that he had been in a part,” Lanata began her television defense about what she expressed on Radio Miter and what Milei wrote on her X account.

The national official assured that the ambassador did not participate in the meeting called at Casa Rosada but rather “He read the report, was asked some questions, finished his report, got up and left with [Manuel] Adorni” to record the message that the presidency broadcast around midnight. “The Cabinet meeting began when the ambassador retired. I can assure you Jorge that it was like that,” Bullrich insisted in dialogue with TN.

“Beyond that, today [lunes] I had an argument with the President about another matter: he accuses me and other journalists of committing crimes. It seems outrageous to me, it’s something we can’t let go,” Lanata insisted and added: “It has nothing to do with whether or not one criticizes a person. When the President calls me an over-the-top journalist…”.

In that sense, Bullrich tried to calm things down and referred to the tensions they are experiencing at the government level, fueled by the international climate. “It seems to me that these are moments in which we are going through very tense, very hard situations. The day before yesterday we said that we were on the verge of a Third World War. It seems to me that receiving the Israeli ambassador has no problem. There is a style of the President that is very frank, very direct…”.

It was there that Lanata interrupted her and reinforced her point: “No. The frank style cannot be to assign a crime to a person. “We have known each other for more than 20 years, I never said that Bullrich stole such a thing, never, sometimes disagreeing.”

Bullrich then postulated a solution and made a request to the journalist: “I promise to talk about it with the president of the Nationregarding someone with as much experience as you, Jorge, regardless of the differences or not. I’m going to talk about it (…) Stop the lawsuit Jorge and let’s go another way”.

Lanata was grateful for Bullrich’s proposal but explained that he is already working on filing a lawsuit against the President that he will present on Wednesday. “If we can avoid this, I prefer to avoid itNow I also want the President to say that he was wrong because if not, it doesn’t matter,” he emphasized.

Someone has to set a limit, I am the tenth insulted journalist to whom illegal conduct has been attributed. It’s wrong, the Government has four months, imagine a year from now,” Lanata said and reflected: “One thing is criticism and another is a crime. “I am forced to sue him because it is a lie.”

Finally, the minister remarked: I am going to do what I said I was going to do and then the response that is received will be received. From there to judicialization there is always a distance. “I have a lawsuit against Alberto Fernández for 100 million pesos for the Pfizer vaccines that never arrived.”

The crossing between Milei and Lanata

The conflict between the two began when Milei cited statements by the journalist, who this Sunday stated that he “did not agree” with the presence of an ambassador – whatever his country – in a meeting of these characteristics at Casa Rosada. After that, the President accused him of being a “larretist” and wrote: “Does telling the truth require about?”

“I am not a larretista, but I could be, I care very little. I don’t receive envelopes and it’s public, I’ve been working for 40 years”, responded Lanata, who thus ruled out the president’s accusations. “The President has to control these things,” he added, and explained that his questions regarding Sela’s presence occurred during the screening of his program with Eduardo Feinmann’s, where it was also clarified on air that the ambassador had retired. before.

Information about the ambassador’s participation in the meeting quoted by Lanata It had been informed through an official Government report, which included a photo of Sela with the President and the ministers.

Jorge Lanata and Javier MileiArchive

“Milei thinks that if you talk about such a topic it will be installed, so she wants to uninstall it anyway. This has been happening in Argentine history for years: politicians don’t know shit about the environment“, considered Lanata, and pointed out against the President: “Just because he has measured on the channels where he was a panelist does not mean that he knows about the media; you know the show. The media is something else. Just because I say something doesn’t mean it sets in immediately, I don’t have that power and no one does, but he acts as if he believes that.”

He extended the criticism to the entire political arc, which he accused of acting “as if they were always going to be there.” “Then they leave, and the one who pressures you today, tomorrow he comes to ask you to do him a favor. They do not realize that the only ones who are there all the time are the public, journalists and the economic power. “Politicians come and go, and many leave through the back door,” she shot.

Lanata questioned the role of journalists and the lack of defense against attacks on a colleague. “In this country, 100 journalists disappeared during the dictatorship. We have to defend each other“It cannot be that because there is a certain part in favor of Milei that we are not defending them,” he lamented, and concluded: “Two or three come out to defend, and the rest look the other way because either, in fact, they are overshadowed, or because they are opportunistic militias.”.

Later, Milei doubled down and referred again to the journalist’s statements about taking the fight to court. “It’s interesting what happens every time you show a journalist lying.“, he ironized through his account Xratifying his accusations.

And he added: “In a cowardly way they take refuge in groups and some even threaten to go to court, but never admitting that they lied outright.” “They love to mark other people’s mistakes but they never admit their own”hill.

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