Kari Elisabeth Kaski (SV) quits politics – Dagsavisen

by time news

– I’ve been dreading this, because it’s hard to disappoint a lot of people. I will inform the nomination committee that I will not seek re-election to the Storting, says Kaski newspaper.

– I notice that I do not have the full and necessary motivation to muster on for another four years, she says and adds:

– I am tired of much of the politics. I am not tired of the political affairs or the political craft. I like that very much, and I’m looking forward to next year, says Kaski.

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The 36-year-old is originally from Kirkenes. She was elected to the Storting in 2017 for Oslo. She sits as a member of the finance committee and has been elected to SV’s group board.

Before coming to the Storting, she was party secretary for two years. Now Kaski admits that she is tired of many things in politics, such as negotiations on both crisis packages and budgets.

– And in addition, there are often internal battles in party politics, which is what I liked the least, she says to VG.

– I don’t quite recognize myself losing all the matches. But it’s also no secret that Kirsti and I disagree on a number of political issues and have different political profiles, she says further.

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The SV leader thinks it is sad

SV leader Kirsti Bergstø is not happy that Kaski is leaving, but understands her choice.

– I think it is sad that Kari Elisabeth does not want to stand for re-election. She does a solid job for SV, is an important voice for the party in both distribution policy and environmental policy, she has extensive experience and represents important environments, says Berstø to NRK.

– At the same time, I understand her choice. She has had demanding responsibilities over time, and after eight years in the Storting it can feel like a lot to commit to four new ones, says SV leader Kirsti Bergstø to NRK.

In addition to his political career, Kaski has a long career in the environmental movement. She has sat on the central board of Nature and Youth, and was deputy leader and political officer in Zero, according to the party website.

Also read: Kari Elisabeth Kaski reacts to the Hegnar leader: – What I am calling for is folk customs

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