Tagesspiegel: February 13, 1967: In Tanzania, all banks and insurance companies are nationalized

by time news

Under Sunday, February 13, the book of history records, among other things:

962: Emperor Otto I confirmed the papal property in central Italy in the so-called Pactum Ottonianum.
1542: King Henry VIII of England has his fifth wife, Catherine Howard, executed in the Tower of London for infidelity. In 1543 he married Catherine Parr. His second wife, Anne Boleyn, had already been beheaded.
1907: After a series of massacres of the Hottentot and Herero population, the colonial troops in German South West Africa begin peace talks with the Hottentot leader Simon Copper.
1917: A gas explosion triggers a serious mining accident in Ehmen near Fallersleben in Germany. A total of 35 miners are killed.
1937: In Czechoslovakia, the number of conscripts is increasing.
1942: In Helsinki, German and Finnish government representatives sign an agreement on the exchange of food for raw materials.
1967: In Tanzania, all banks and insurance companies are nationalized.
1977: Cyprus’ President Archbishop Makarios and the Turkish ethnic group leader Rauf Denktas agree on the establishment of a federal state. The plan does not come to fruition; In the northern part of the island occupied by Turkish troops, an internationally unrecognized separate state is created.
1987: Elfriede Jelinek’s play “Krankheit” premieres at the Kammerspiele Bonn-Bad Godesberg.
1997: Early presidential elections in Nauru. Kinza Clodumar will be the new president.
2002: The Israeli army occupies three Palestinian self-governing cities and a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip.
2007: Ex-BAWAG General Director Helmut Elsner was surprisingly extradited from France to Austria almost five months after his arrest in his villa in Aix en Provence, after he had evaded the transfer for months with reference to an allegedly serious heart condition. Elsner is taken to the regional court in Vienna. As a result, Elsner was taken into custody because of the risk of absconding. A request for release is rejected.
2017: The half-brother of North Korean ruler Kim Jong-un is murdered at the airport in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur. Surveillance video shows a woman attacking Kim Jong-nam from behind and pressing something in his face, causing the 45-year-old to die from convulsions minutes later. Investigators find traces of the extremely powerful neurotoxin VX on the dead man’s head. Suspicion is directed primarily at Pyongyang, since the first-born son of former dictator Kim Jong-il had fallen out of favor and had repeatedly expressed criticism of the situation in his home country.

birthdays: Max Neufeld, Austria actor and film director (1887-1967); Alain Poiré, French film producer (1917-2000); Otto Tausig, Austria actor (1922-2011); Francis Pym, British politician (1922-2008); Freddy Maertens, Belgian ex-racing cyclist (1952).
days of death: Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, Princess of England and Scotland, Electress Palatinate (1596-1662); Thomas Schwanthaler, Austria sculptor and carver (1634-1707); Friedrich Mitterwurzer, Austria. actor (1844-1897); Giacinto Gallina, Italian dramatist (1852-1897); Christian A. Landenberger, German painter (1862-1927); Oskar Willner, Austria actor, director and painter (1910-1987); Waylon Jennings, US country musician (1937-2002).
name days: Gerlinde, Christina, Adolf, Gosbert, Katharina, Jordan, Irmhilde, Reinhild, Kastor, Wiho, Stefan, Johann, Paul.

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