“Now they are even the Public Ministry”

by times news cr

2024-04-19 05:18:07

Claudia Sheinbaumcandidate of Morena, PT and PVEM for the Presidency of the Republic, criticized the minister-president Norma Piña and to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN); “Now they are even the Public Ministry”said the presidential candidate.

The candidate of Morena was questioned by the participation of Arturo Zaldívar in his campaign presidential, since on April 12 Norma Piña ordered to start an investigation against the retired minister for “violating the autonomy and independence” of the Judiciary.

In that sense, Claudia Sheinbaum responded by what is expressly stated in the investigation file J/108/2024, against Arturo Zaldívarby:

“Violate the autonomy and independence of the heads of jurisdictional bodies of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, with the intention of satisfying personal interests and those of third parties”

Office hour

In that sense, yesterday, April 16, former Minister Arturo Zaldívar announced at a press conference a complaint against Norma Piña before the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) as well as the request for a political trial.

“For the probable commission of the crime against the administration of justice, because it is evident the manifest enmity that Minister Piña has with me (…) She has incurred responsibilities that could give rise to crimes in electoral responsibilities, in administrative responsibilities and also in political responsibility

Arturo Zaldivar

In that context, Claudia Sheinbaum he responded to Norma Piña and the SCJN.

Claudia Sheinbaum responds to Norma Piña and the SCJN: ”In 24 hours the investigation of an anonymous complaint began”

Claudia Sheinbaum questioned the mechanisms of the Judicial Power that allowed Norma Piñaminister president of the SCJN, start an anonymous investigation in less than 24 hours without even wanting to be brought before the Attorney General’s Office (FGR).

“What is the bottom line of this? That the Supreme Court, particularly the president of the Supreme Court, within 24 hours began an investigation of an anonymous complaint. It is not even going through the Prosecutor’s Office, as it should happen; A complaint is filed with the Prosecutor’s Office, an investigation is carried out, that investigation goes in all cases to the Judiciary, according to the evidence presented by the Prosecutor’s Office.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Sheinbaum said that in this case “evidently There is a political use of a power that not even the Judiciary has or the Supreme Court of Justice.”

“That is what is relevant at this moment and that is what we should be discussing: the media, the people of Mexico. In other words, what privileges does this Court or these Court ministers enjoy who, beyond any rule, initiate an investigation in 24 hours on an anonymous complaint; “That is what is totally irregular.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

In that sense, ruled out the possibility of Arturo Zaldívar leaving from his presidential campaign team:

The most read about Mexico

“Now they are the Public Ministry, they are the Legislative Branch, they are the Judicial Branch, they are everything at the same time”

Claudia Sheinbaum

What you need to know about the Mexico 2024 elections

During the elections 2024organized by the National Electoral Institute (INE), will be in play 629 charges at the federal level y 19 thousand 738 locally.

At the federal level there will be competition for the following positions:

  • Presidency of the Republic
  • 500 seats in the Chamber of Deputies
  • 128 seats in the Senate

While a nivel localthe governorships and head of Government of the following entities will be defined in the elections 2024:

  • Mexico City (CDMX)
  • Guanajuato
  • Chiapas
  • Tabasco
  • Jalisco
  • Veracruz
  • Yucatan
  • Puebla
  • Morelos

According to the INE, there is an electoral registry of 99 million 754 thousand 112 citizens and citizensof which 97 million 782 thousand 429 are registered on the nominal list, with a valid voting credential.

How is Claudia Sheinbaum heading towards the 2024 elections?

MetricsMx Presidency Survey as of March 25, 2024 (Eduardo Díaz/SDPnoticias.com)

The positioning of Claudia Sheinbaum heading to the elections 2024 is measured in the MetricsMX surveywhich places the candidate of the coalition between Morena, PT and the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico with more than 40 points advantage over the candidate of PAN, PRI and PRD.

The results of the MetricsMX survey of the March 1, 2024 son:

  • Claudia Sheinbaum: 61.0%
  • Xóchitl Gálvez: 20.0%
  • Jorge Álvarez Máynez: 4.4%

2024-04-19 05:18:07

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