A wheelchair that will help patients with jet spray 2024-04-18 04:52:00

by time news

It is a big challenge for disabled patients and elderly people to use the toilet without anyone’s help, but now to make this problem easier, Shruti Babu of Coimbatore has made an amazing invention.

For the elderly and disabled people who are unable to walk, going to the washroom or doing small tasks on their own is a big challenge. In such a situation, this situation hurts their emotions as well as their self-esteem. Keeping such people in mind, Shruti Babu of Coimbatore has created the world’s first wheelchair which has a water cleaning system.

Disabled patients and elderly people can use the toilet without any help in wheelchairs called Sahayata. This innovation is inspired by an incident from Shruti’s life. She is a biomedical engineer and while she was on her fellowship program, she often saw patients in the hospital struggling to use the toilet. He needed the help of many people to use the toilet. After a lot of research, he came to know that till now no such wheelchair has been manufactured which has a cleaning system.

For patients with mobility issues, this problem also affects their self-esteem. Therefore, Shruti wanted that something should be done so that this problem could be solved. His chair has now reduced that problem by 90%. He designed a chair that has both a small water tank and a jet spray. With the help of a button, anyone can clean themselves after using the toilet.

Due to this, they have also reduced the number of people taking care of the patients. With its help, one needs only 1 caretaker instead of 3.
This wheelchair made by Shruti is helping more than 300 people not only in India but with a patent in 140 countries around the world.

If you also need this facility for someone close to you, then your help can help.
To know more about this you can contact Shruti contact here Do it.

Also read- Invention of four friends, now making a gym at home is as easy as installing a TV.

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2024-04-18 04:52:00

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