On the death of Bernd Hölzenbein: “Outstanding footballer and wonderful guy” | hessenschau.de

by time news

There is great sadness for the late world champion Bernd Hölzenbein. Former companions, athletes and politicians say goodbye to “a great footballer and wonderful person”.

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Video 02:00 min. | 04/16/24, 4:45 p.m. |hessenschau

“An outstanding footballer and a wonderful guy” – On the death of Bernd Hölzenbein

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Bernd Hölzenbein is dead. The record goalscorer and later manager of Eintracht Frankfurt died on Monday evening. Companions and friends say goodbye to a Hessian legend.

Bernd Neuendorf (DFB President): “Bernd Hölzenbein was an outstanding footballer and a wonderful guy. On the pitch he was a cunning man, one who found solutions that no one else had seen. ‘Holz’ could score goals from all positions, he even scored while sitting down. He was an exceptional player. His life was all about football. His death leaves a big gap at Eintracht and the German Football Association. We owe him a huge debt of gratitude and will miss him very much.”

Boris Rhein (Hessian Prime Minister, CDU): “Bernd Hölzenbein inspired people with his way of playing football and made a decisive contribution to the fact that Eintracht Frankfurt, but also the German national team, were often victorious. With Bernd Hölzenbein, a great footballer leaves the field forever. His services to the sport of football, also as a manager and official, will remain unforgotten.”

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Video 01:13 min. | 04/16/24, 12:10 p.m. |ARD lunchtime magazine

Bernd Hölzenbein: “Of course it was a penalty”

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Rudi Völler (director of the national team): “Bernd Hölzenbein was a great footballer and wonderful person who won many titles and even more hearts. In terms of football, there was little he couldn’t do.”

Mathias Beck (Eintracht President): “Bernd Hölzenbein was a role model for countless football fans all over Germany, but he was always a star to touch. Our condolences go out to his family in these hours. And in all our sadness, we are proud and grateful that Bernd accompanied our Eintracht for so long .”

Axel Hellmann (Eintracht board spokesman): “Bernd Hölzenbein has had a significant influence on our Eintracht for almost 60 years. He stands for the ‘Golden 1970s’ as well as for the European Cup victory in 1980 and also the ‘Football 2000’, which our club played in the early 1990s and in which he was vice-president “With Bernd Hölzenbein we are not only losing one of the great figures of our club, but also a loyal employee and a lovely friend.”

Kevin Trapp (Eintracht goalkeeper): “This is very sad news. I was lucky enough to be able to get to know him personally. He is an absolute club legend and is leaving big shoes to fill here.”

Uwe Bein (World Champion 1990): “I shed a tear at breakfast. There was a lot of trust between the two of us. I really valued him as a person. Bernd never wanted to be the center of attention. He wasn’t the type to talk loudly and had an open ear for every player. “

Paul Breitner (World Championship teammate in 1974): “The special thing about Bernd was that he wasn’t predictable. He started his dribbling with his left and right and was incredibly fast. With him and Jürgen Grabowski we had a winger that ultimately brought us the world championship title. It was It was a great thing to play with him and march up and down the left side. Bernd was always polite, friendly and always in a good mood. I can only say positive things about Bernd.

Eintracht legend and world champion Bernd Hölzenbein is dead

Eintracht Frankfurt mourns Bernd Hölzenbein. The 1974 world champion died at the age of 78. Hessians paid tribute to the Eintracht legend by having shaped the club for almost 60 years.

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