Nicaraguan confesses to knowing communism thanks to Alex Otaola – 2024-04-21 01:16:14

by times news cr

2024-04-21 01:16:14

A Nicaraguan citizen who resides in Connecticut confessed that he began to learn about the atrocities carried out by communism thanks to the Cuban influencer Alex Otaola and your program Hello! Ota-Ola.

The man connected to the “Conecta2” program that broadcasts Cubans around the World in the afternoon to have direct contact with the presenter, and thank him for the work he has been doing against the dictatorships of the region. “I attended the march on Washington that you went to,” he added.

Meanwhile, Otaola was surprised to see that this citizen has no ties with Cubans, but is still interested in knowing the atrocities of communism.

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“I am Nicaraguan, but when I started listening to you I started to hear about communism and that, because I left Nicaragua when I was three years old, and with you I came to learn what communism is and all that. “My family had talked to me, but they had never explained it to me well,” This citizen stated in the contact he had with Alex Otaola.

“I started watching you because I found you on YouTube and I started watching your videos and I started to learn about communism and what is happening in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela,” he added.

For his part, the Cuban influencer thanked this Nicaraguan for allowing him to meet him, and acknowledged that at first he thought he was married to a Cuban, although the citizen denied the same.

In that sense, Alex Otaola He urged him to spread the anti-communist message with all his friends and family in Nicaragua to continue joining forces against that evil ideology that has only left hunger, misery and exile in the countries where it has been applied.

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Editorial Cubans around the World

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