Michael Azoulay Re: They will go from corps

by time news
Photo by Moshe Ben Naim

Michael Azoulay is a Hasidic wedding singer, full of energy and one of the most prominent young singers in the ultra-Orthodox sector, who is slowly conquering the wedding world.

After three successful singles (including a duet with the renowned Hassidic singer Simcha Friedman) that have been released over the past two years, ahead of the 11th of Nisan – the birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, he is re-creating the famous Chabad melody “Yilcho Mahil”, composed by R. Shalom Bruchstadt On the occasion of the Rebbe’s 83rd birthday.

Azoulay says that this is the first swallow from a Chabad melodies project he is working on during this period, in addition to original materials.

“Yilcho Mahil” was chosen to be the first in the series, due to the fact that about six months ago Michael and his wife had a firstborn son, with a rare problem with his legs and apparently with the help of the name he will be blessed and with many treatments, he will eventually be able to walk.

They have been dealing with this story quietly and heroically for a long time, and Michael wants to wish his son Muhammad that, in spite of everything, he will win with the help of the Almighty name – to go from “force to force”!

Simultaneously with the release of the new single, Birkat Mazel Tov extends to Michael for joining the artist representation office of the company “Blue” Productions, headed by the Chabad producer Benyahu Ben David.

Lyrics: Psalms, PG | Composer: R. Shalom Bruchstadt | Production, and personal management: Benyahu Ben David – “Tchelet productions” | Musical production: Mandy Lipsker | Arranged by: Mandy Lipsker, Tuli Lipsker | Children: “Azmara” Choir | Photo: Moshe Ben Naim | Graphics: Yossi Sherman.

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