2024-04-21 18:17:12
Cardboard will do the trick
In the era of online shopping, everyone must have cardboard boxes in their house. There will also be shoe boxes. Only these have to be used for termites. Actually, the smell of cardboard, which we do not like, is also not liked by termites.
Simply take cardboard, slightly wet it to amplify the smell, and place it near where the termites are. (Photo courtesy: pexels)
Get permanent relief from boric powder
Mix boric powder and water in a bottle. Keep the mix a little thick, but thin enough to spray. Sprinkle the mixture thoroughly on the termite affected area. With this solution you can get permanent relief from termites.
These oils are also effective
Neem or garlic oil can also give you relief from the problem of termites. Apply any of these oils on the affected area with the help of a brush or a spray bottle. Do this process continuously for about two-three days.
salt solution
Mix a good amount of salt in water in a vessel. Mix it well. Fill the mix in a bottle and spray it on the termite area. This will help in dehydrating them from inside. Due to which termites will be eliminated.
sun support
If one of your chairs or tables is infested with termites and can be moved, place the furniture piece in the afternoon sun. Termites will not be able to survive due to extreme heat and you will get rid of this problem. (Photo courtesy: pexels)