Poland demands that America deploy nuclear missiles on its territory

by times news cr



/ Polish President Andrzej Duda, on Tuesday, called on the United States of America to deploy nuclear missiles on his country’s territory.

He said, in an interview with the Polish newspaper “Dziennik Gazeta Browna”, that it would be advisable for Poland to seek to deploy American nuclear warheads on its territory, within the framework of NATO’s nuclear sharing program.

Military affairs researcher Denis Khutorov believes that Western countries are experiencing a state of “madness”, especially those close to Russia.

He pointed out, in his talk to “Erem News”, and Agency followed him, that “there is an abnormal situation that the European continent is experiencing and may amount to phobia or madness, specifically those countries close to Russia, and perhaps we look at the issue from two sides: the first is specific to Poland specifically.” The second is linked to the West in general.

Khutorov stated, “In the aspect related to Poland, and to know more about the matter, this country is located in a complex geographical location, especially since it has the longest borders with Belarus, Russia’s strongest ally, and not long ago Russia announced that it had deployed nuclear weapons in Belarus. This may be Poland’s motive.” To request the deployment of nuclear warheads on its territory as a matter of deterrence.”

He added, “The second part is related to the West; Poland is the main and most reliable corridor for delivering military aid to Ukraine, and if the West makes a decision to enter regular soldiers and qualitative military equipment, the entrance will also be Poland, so this country may reserve the first target in the Russian target bank, if developments develop.” “It’s a direct clash, but with the presence of nuclear missiles, everyone is forced to reevaluate the situation.”

Khutorov points out, “If Washington agrees to the Polish request, it will put the first piece in the puzzle of World War III, but I have doubts about accepting the request because Washington does not want a world war. Rather, its only goal is to defeat Russia and limit it on the European continent.”

Military affairs researcher Denis Khutorov notes that “the United States is benefiting from the thirst of countries geographically close to Russia, which were once Soviet, to end everything that links them to this era. It is ready to turn this country into a large weapons depot for NATO countries.”

Meanwhile, military expert and researcher in European affairs, Yuri Burlakov, points out that “the West, not from today but for a long time, has been preparing Poland to be a weapons depot; its proximity to Russia gives it importance to be a military and logistical supply center for soldiers in the event that the West decides to clash with Russia directly.” If any support operation takes a day, for example, to reach any military division located near Russia, it will arrive within hours if it is coming from Poland.”

He pointed out, in his interview with “Erem News,” that this matter is “very dangerous. If the West continues to transform this country into a huge military base, this indicates that it is headed for a direct clash and war with Russia, which necessarily means a nuclear war, and there is no need to discuss it.” What a nuclear war means, or what will happen

Russian affairs expert Mikhail Novikov believes that the Russian response “is linked to the United States accepting this request.”

Speaking to “Erem News”, in response to a question about what the Russian response is, he confirms that “actions and movements on the ground are not related to words only, but rather need corresponding actions, and in this case, the matter is still related to a request only, and Poland is very aware that it will not “It is being achieved at least for the time being, and if it is achieved, disaster will have struck.”

He continues, saying: “What Poland is asking for, I believe, is a response to the Russian military plan in Belarus, which neighbors Poland, and increased military cooperation between Minsk and Moscow. This is why Poland is sensitive to the danger.”

Novikov notes that, “The Russian response, if this happens, I believe, is to deploy more qualitative weapons and perhaps nuclear weapons in Belarus. This is on a level outside the country. As for the Russian interior, there is the Russian Kaliningrad Province, which is also located on the border with Poland. I believe that more “Deterrence weapons will be deployed by Russia there.”

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