Strong hail fell in Bogotá – 2024-04-21 22:21:04

by times news cr

2024-04-21 22:21:04

In Bogotá they are waiting for the future of the reservoirs, even the Mayor’s Office has sought strategies to mitigate this situation, incorporating water rationing by locality to prevent shortages and encourage water savings.

In the last balance sheet delivered by Mayor Carlos Fernando Galán it was recorded that, until Friday, April 19, consumption in the city was 15.43 cubic meters per second, and although he stated that this figure is positive, he also made a call because ‘there’s still more to go’.

“For the first time since we implemented the measures, the Chingaza System reservoirs received more water than we consumed. We must lower our consumption even more and wait for the rains to continue, since the situation is still critical,” commented the local president.

For many it is a miracle that during the last hours heavy rains have been recorded throughout the city. Even the residents of the capital took to social media to share the heavy downpour that occurred around noon on Saturday, April 20.

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There were several sectors that reported rain in Bogotá, including the towns of Engativá, Suba and Usaquén, the latter two with hail.

Such was the magnitude of the hailstorm recorded in the country’s capital and in the Unicentro shopping center. Many citizens reported that the streets were covered in white, as they recorded on social networks:

For this reason, given the magnitude of the rains, the District Institute for Risk Management and Climate Change (Idiger). He spoke on social networks and confirmed that rainfall of varying intensity was recorded in the areas of Engativá and Chapinero. “It is expected that in the next few hours they will spread to several areas of the city.”

Likewise, he called on citizens to take into account the conditions of the first rainy season. that the city faces, which can be accompanied by hail. “In this situation, stay calm and report emergency events to line 123. Prepare and act!” He says.

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