ArTv and AHS: venues with too much dust

by time news

2024-04-17 14:16:55

Thirteen years after that January 2011, Artemisa is still torn between what she was and what is expected of her. For a municipality in the former province of Havana, becoming the capital of ten other localities, beyond the appointments, becomes an aspiration in several ways.

Of the issues to be resolved, the reconversion of premises into headquarters of territorial organizations and the termination of others, classify among the greatest vicissitudes of these times.

Where to place certain organisms?; How to bring your services and productions closer to the people? It has not been an easy task, especially due to the lack of construction materials, scarce budgets, the fluctuation of qualified labor…, among other causes.

A similar situation was experienced by the Telecentro Artemisa Visión, or ArTv, urged to become a reference for the territory. From there, the interest in an investment that began in 2021, says Lázara de la Caridad Fernández Rodríguez, delegate of the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television in the province, a structure that still operates in Artemisa and Mayabeque.

“The civil works of a new television studio are being carried out there, which will contribute to improving the quality of transmissions.” Likewise, the administrative area is in the completion stage, with a meeting room and three offices for this staff, as the staff grows after the designation as a Budgeted Unit, explains Yarima Córdova Escobar, the director.

Regarding the benefits of the study, he specified that it will improve the visuality of the programs and the design of others such as the peasant one, – today it is carried out outdoors -, the children’s ones; Meanwhile, the current one will be maintained with a fixed scenery. “And we still need to grow, since we would need premises for editing and production, just to name the most urgent.”

According to Fernández Rodríguez, “it is one of the prioritized works in the province, which has systematic verification by the highest political and government authorities. A brigade from the 50th Anniversary Non-Agricultural Cooperative works, which also works in the International Legal Consultancy.

“Last year we could barely make progress in its execution, due to the absence of blocks of 15, which are necessary in that structure; But, we have not stopped,” said the delegate.

Weeks ago they were working on patching walls with cement mortar. However, “we are behind in terms of the execution schedule, due to a lack of steel and P 350 cement, which is required for the enclosure of the building, which is managed with the ACINOX Las Tunas Company.”

Once the study is completed, the arrival of the technical equipment is expected in the second half of the year, estimates Fernández Rodríguez. “We have already finished the network connection and lightning rods, fire protection systems and signals are in the contracting phase.”

The end of the civil works during 2024 depends on the completion of the assigned budget, which is greater than 10 million pesos for construction and assembly, as well as the availability of materials.

And the young artists?

From a sweet shop with an ostentatious name (El Gran París), a cafeteria better known as La sombrilla, a dining room of the Family Care System, a 3 D movie theater…, to the dream of the provincial branch of the Hermanos Saíz Association (AHS).

Everything, or almost everything, has been the place located in front of Libertad Park, very close to the Campoamor Hotel, both abundant in history and reasons for Artemiseño pride. Why not aim for something similar for this site?

Artemisa is the only territory that does not have a headquarters and house of the Young Creator, which was agreed to be reversed in the last Congress of the organization, comments Jorge Raimel Quiñones Arozarena, president of the AHS in the province. After also traveling through several places, in 2020 they were given this one, and in the following calendar they managed to register it in his name. The journey began at the end of 2022.

RAIMEL Quiñones, president of the AHS in the province, shows some premises erected at the headquarters. They still do not have a roof, floor, or electrical installations / Photo: Otoniel Márquez

“We hired the Cuban Cultural Assets Fund, responsible for the clearing, demolition and hauling away of the facilities that were in poor condition. That procedure cost 2.2 million pesos. They started the footing, but the builder left the country. So we went to a self-employed worker, who cast the bases, built walls, and took care of the plaster, until the end of the previous year. The total cost amounted to 4.3 million pesos,” explains Solangel Acosta Ponte, economic management technician.

To date they have not returned to work. The reason? “No budget was approved for this investment,” says the president.

The conceptual ideas of what will be, make anyone fall in love. They include remodeling the entrance, making a literary cafe and stage in outdoor areas, as well as a meeting room, gallery and bedrooms for artists, most of which are from other municipalities.

According to Quiñones Arozarena, “we intend to found a cultural center that offers varied programming and fixed spaces with our artists, in order to also educate the aesthetic taste of the public. Even the creators themselves will find attractions and opportunities in the organization.”

HOW should the AHS headquarters be?

On a recent visit to the province, Yasel Toledo Garnache, national president of the AHS, committed to delivering two million pesos by 2024. Although insufficient compared to everything that remains to be done, the money comes in handy and is the result of restrictions adopted by this non-profit organization.

However, it is not the only problem. “We also do not have an investor to evaluate material expenses or budgets. “We want to contract the service, which will help to finalize, at least, the first premises, and start operating.”

Several issues are still pending in the future headquarters. This is the case of the seats and two air conditioners, property of the Directorate of Culture, which are exposed to leaks on the roof of the former movie theater. Meanwhile, the seats suffered the effect of cement and dust, since there was no other covered space, these aggregates were deposited there at the beginning of the work.

After 6.5 million pesos have been consumed, a forecast of another 7 million is demanded by this center, in which great expectations have been placed.

Some 50 young creators deserve to have their little corner, a niche to be inspired, laugh, share ideas and see great ventures born together.

It is the responsibility of the National Directorate of the AHS, first of all; from the highest authorities of Artemisa and the team of musicians, performing artists and writers who long to put down roots in the very heart of Villa Roja.

#ArTv #AHS #venues #dust

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