King Dara of Iran had built a canal from the Nile River to the Red Sea, used to take tax in the form of gold from the Indian king – king Dara of Iran had built a canal from the Nile River to the Red Sea, used to take tax in the form of gold from the indian king. – 2024-04-22 11:31:12

by times news cr

2024-04-22 11:31:12
New Delhi: There is a place in Iran named Khapa-Rustam, where there is the tomb of Darius I, the great ruler of ancient Persia. Darius was known as Darius. It is written on his tomb – How many countries Darius had, can be known from his carved figures. You will get an idea of ​​how far a Persian’s spear goes. That means his empire spread far and wide.
This is the story of the golden era of Iran, when the whole world was talking about Iran i.e. Persia of that time. It had great kings like Cyrus and Darius, who created Iran. During his time, India also had connections with ancient India.

When during the reign of Darius, the Hakhamani empire spread from Egypt to the Indus River.
Dr. Kaveth Farooq’s book Shadows in the Desert It is said that ancient Iran i.e. Persia was created by wars. In that period, many warriors and rulers were born, who established Iran on the world map. During the reign of Darius I i.e. Darius of the Hakhamani dynasty, the Hakhamani Empire spread from Egypt to the Indus River. He captured Greece and also won the war against the Shakas in the north. Darius introduced a uniform currency in such a large empire and declared the Aramaic script as the official language. He also started important construction works at places like Persepolis and Pasargada which are still the hallmark of Achaemenid architecture.
Emperor Ashoka also adopted Aramaic script
It was due to the influence of Darius that the Maurya emperor Ashoka used Kharosthi and Aramaic scripts in some of his inscriptions. He divided the entire empire into 20 provinces and appointed governors or satraps for each province. This system of governance in the world today is the gift of Dara.

Told the world the importance of roads
Dara recognized the importance of the highways and roads that you see today. He connected his entire empire with beautiful and wide roads. Laid a network of highways. King Dara also started the postal system to deliver letters. He inspired the whole world to adopt the postal system.

Attack on India in sixth century BC
In the sixth century BC, Darius’s army invaded India and captured the North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and the provinces of Punjab. These areas remained under the control of the Iranian Empire until Alexander invaded India. In such a situation, India had close relations with Persia. Iran maintained relations with India for almost two centuries. During this period, Indian traders used to travel to distant countries. They sold woolen blankets, skins, horses, elephants and precious stones. During this period, Persian silver coins were in circulation in India. The minting of these coins was so brilliant that they were famous all over the world.

Iran kept getting a lot of gold from Indian province
Iran kept getting a lot of gold as revenue from the Indian province. Darius’s Greek general Scylux had descended from the Indus into the Indian Ocean and explored the coasts of Arabia and Makran. He was a follower of Zarathustra religion.

A canal was built from Nile River to Red Sea
Apart from a network of roads, King Darius also built a canal from the Nile River to the Red Sea. The Ionian Greeks of Asia Minor rebelled against Darius. But this rebellion was suppressed. After capturing the city of Miletus, the center of the rebellion, all the men there were massacred. Women and children were taken captive to their country.

Old Persians were related to Aryans
The impact of Persian expansionism was felt in 1935 when Reza Shah Pahlavi changed the name of the country known as Persia to Iran. In fact, the word Iran comes from Eran, which is what the ancient Persian kings called the people they ruled. The original Persians were Aryan speaking. The Aryans are a linguistic group that included a large number of nomadic peoples in Central Asia.

The empire built by one great king was destroyed by another great king.According to Professor Ali Ansari of St. Andrews University, Scotland, three things are mainly told to every tourist who visits the ruins of Persepolis, the capital of the Hakhamani Empire of ancient Persia. First, it was made by Darius the Great i.e. Darius. It was carried forward by his son Xerxes. It was destroyed by a man whose name was Alexander the Great.

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