“Italy with vaccines has held up in the face of a terrifying wave”

by time news

Thanks to vaccines we have stood up to this terrifying wave of “covid”, with over 200 thousand infections a day. We got to 1,700 people in intensive care, but at the worst times we got to 4,000 people. We have held up thanks to an extraordinary vaccination campaign. “Thus the health minister Roberto Speranzaguest of half an hour more on ‘Rai3’, recalling that thewave of Omicron “has caused more cases in the past month and a half than in the entire pandemic”.

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“91% of people over 12 have been vaccinated and hospitals have avoided incredible pressure – underlined the minister – The largest share of hospitalizations is the daughter of unvaccinated people. The unvaccinated are only 9% that when they go to hospital produces the majority of cases, especially in intensive care “.

“In the last days of December there were far from simple meetings with health ministers from other countries of Europe and the world – continued Speranza – The wave of the Omicron variant worried us, then as the days went by we acquired evidence relating to the efficacy of vaccines “with respect to the risk of death and hospitalization and in intensive care.” The ECDC said that we are still in the pandemic phase, it is certainly much much better, “added the minister.

” Today we are bending the curve, which has been happening for two weeks now, without having to make people pay the price of closures as in other situations and in other countries and this has been possible thanks to this shield built with vaccines, ” he said. continued. “We have reopened all the activities, the discos were the only ones that remained closed – said Speranza – It can only be used if vaccinated or cured, the capacity is limited to 50%. We must put all activities in a position to restart thanks to that shield “Guaranteed by vaccination.” We are in a transition phase, we are not in difficulty as before but we are not out of it yet, “he stressed.

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