Prostate cancer prevention? “It depends on the man’s hands”

by times news cr

2024-04-25 16:26:48

Photo = Getty Images Korea.

A man’s health is in his hands.

Dr. Daniel Kelly, a professor of biochemistry at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK, recently wrote an article for the non-profit academic media ‘The Conversation’, explaining why men who masturbate frequently can prevent prostate cancer.

The prostate exists only in men. It is a representative organ that determines the quality of life of men because it closely affects urination and sexual function. According to the National Cancer Information Center, prostate cancer is the 3rd most common cancer among men in Korea (6th overall, as of 2020), following lung cancer and stomach cancer, and its recent increase rate is the steepest.

According to a report by the New York Post on the 25th (Korean time), Dr. Kelly shared with The Conversation various research results showing how masturbation is connected to men’s health.

According to a study by Harvard University in the United States, men who ejaculated 21 times a month through masturbation or sexual intercourse had a 31% lower risk of developing prostate cancer than men who ejaculated 4 to 7 times during the same period.

Seven of 11 studies conducted over the past 33 years found that ejaculation lowered the risk of prostate cancer, Dr. Kelly said. A paper analyzing these studies was published in the academic journal ‘Clinical Genitourinary Cancer’ earlier this year.

Dr. Kelly introduced that in previous studies, researchers could not clearly determine why masturbation is good for men’s health, but they did suggest several theories.

“Although the mechanisms are not fully understood, these studies are consistent with the idea that ejaculation may reduce prostate cancer by lowering the concentration of potentially tumorigenic toxins and crystalline structures that accumulate in the prostate,” Kelly said. The doctor said.

“Similarly, ejaculation may alter the immune response within the prostate, reducing inflammation, a known risk factor for cancer development, or increasing immune defense against tumor cells,” he added.

He added that masturbation relieves tension, calms the nervous system, and prevents prostate cells from proliferating rapidly and becoming cancerous. He also suggested there may be a link between low testosterone levels and an increased risk of prostate cancer.

Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men. Men with low testosterone levels are generally known to have a low sex drive. Accordingly, he said, men with high testosterone levels have greater sexual desire, which may lower their risk of cancer.

“Besides its protective effects against prostate cancer, there are benefits to sex and ejaculation, including positive effects on the heart, brain, immune system, sleep and mood,” Dr. Kelly said.

“The link between ejaculation and prostate cancer is not fully understood and more research is needed, but frequent ejaculation (within reason) does not harm and is probably a good thing and should be part of a healthy lifestyle for men.” said.
Park Hae-sik, reporter [email protected]

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2024-04-25 16:26:48

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