Identify Real And Fake Honey, If you too are eating fake honey, identify its purity immediately with the help of these tricks – tricks to identify real and fake honey is the process at home – 2024-04-28 21:41:03

by times news cr

2024-04-28 21:41:03
Honey is more than just good in taste, it is beneficial for health. The high antioxidant properties present in honey help in removing toxins from the body. Not only this, honey also has many plant components and antifungal properties, which keep the body away from many types of diseases. For this reason, better benefits of Ayurvedic medicines are obtained only when used with pure honey. But with the increasing demand for honey, the game of adulteration has also increased.

Bees make pure honey from the extracts of flowers, which is very important to be identified. Real and fake honey are exactly alike in appearance. In such a situation, it is difficult to differentiate between the two. However, making correct identification is not an impossible task. We are telling you some tricks to identify pure honey. With the help of which you will know whether you are eating fake honey.

Check by putting it in water

The easiest way to identify real or fake honey is to test it by putting it in water. For this you have to take normal or hot water in a glass glass. Now add one spoon honey in it. If this honey settles at the bottom of water then it is considered real. But if it dissolves in water then it means the honey is fake. (Photo courtesy: pexels)

identify with paper

Another way to identify pure honey is paper. To do this test, put a few drops of honey on paper. If the paper absorbs the honey then it is fake. But if the honey remains intact on the paper, then the honey will be pure.

Purity will be tested by fire

If you want, apart from water and paper, you can also test the purity of honey with fire. For this, first light a candle and then wrap cotton in a stick and apply honey on it. Now keep this honey soaked wood on the flame of the candle. If the cotton starts burning, it means the honey is pure. But if it takes time to burn then the honey must be adulterated with something.

Honey strings will also be known

You can also check the purity of honey with thumb and finger. For this, stick a drop of honey between thumb and finger. Now separate the thumb and finger and look at the string formed in the middle. If the honey is real then the string will become thick and will stick to the thumb. But if it is adulterated, honey will become a thin string and start flowing.

Identifying real honey from bread

Real and fake honey can also be identified with the help of bread. For which you apply honey thoroughly on the bread and leave it for 5 minutes. If the bread becomes soft or wet after some time, it means the honey is adulterated. At the same time, if it is real then even after 5 minutes it will look like honey has been applied on the bread. (Photo courtesy: pexels)

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