Bundestag decides to introduce an annual Veterans Day

by time news

As of: April 25, 2024 1:51 p.m

The Bundestag decided to introduce a Veterans Day with a large majority. This is intended to express recognition and thanks for soldiers on June 15th every year.

The Bundestag has voted to introduce an annual National Veterans Day on June 15th. A large majority of MPs voted for a corresponding motion that was submitted jointly by the three traffic light parties and the opposition Union.

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius described Veterans Day as a strong, important and long-overdue sign of appreciation. “It’s about recognizing those who are ultimately prepared to give their utmost for others and who dedicate their life and limb for our country,” said the SPD politician in the plenary session.

A visible sign of appreciation

Veterans Day is intended to send a visible signal of appreciation and attention and at the same time strengthen efforts to provide social care.

“A national day for veterans can create an appropriate framework for recognition and thanks for their special achievements as well as a place for exchange between them, their relatives, the Bundeswehr, society and politics,” the application said.

Better care for war trauma

The application also envisages improving the aftercare of damage suffered, particularly while deployed abroad. This included care, rehabilitation measures, therapy offers and contact points for injured Bundeswehr members and their families.

The application specifically mentions help with post-traumatic stress disorders, which can occur even years after a deployment.

Criticism from the Left Party

Criticism of the memorial day came from the Left Party. Dietmar Bartsch said that the idea for this was part of an “atmospheric change,” which is also what the word “suitable for war” stands for. He finds this extremely problematic, said Bartsch.

He also expressed the suspicion that a central memorial event in Berlin would lead to significant protests. The Left group in the Bundestag voted against the motion.

Ten million have served

There have been discussions in recent years about the question of who should be considered a veteran, because soldiers after deployments abroad or even taking part in combat have different needs than those who served in the military during the Cold War era.

The plan is to organize a large event in Berlin on the weekend before or after June 15th. A veteran of the Bundeswehr is anyone who is in active service as a soldier in the Bundeswehr or who has honorably left this service. Around ten million Germans did military service or were professional or temporary soldiers, and around 500,000 men and women were deployed.

Uli Hauck, ARD Berlin, tagesschau, April 25, 2024 2:11 p.m

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