the complicit weakness of multilateral political and economic institutions [Mamadou Oury Diallo] – 2024-04-29 18:27:57

by times news cr

2024-04-29 18:27:57

A sad reality that cannot go unnoticed.

It is no secret to anyone in Guinea or outside Guinea, for those who are even slightly interested in the news of this country, both at the level of citizens, as well as friendly countries or development partners, that the power set up by the CNRD following a coup d’état, has been persecuting private media since November 2023.

If the warning signs of this relentlessness of Mamadi DOUMBOUYA’s power against the men of the pen and the microphone were already perceptible shortly after the allegiance given to him by all the constituent bodies of the republic, combined with the spontaneous popular welcome from September 5, 2021, we said to ourselves that he would remember at times his personal commitments, and the content of the transition charter to avoid a certain deviance from his transition regime. But alas, it was simply a dream, and the new machine of destruction is unleashed against those who, on a daily basis, comment on the facts of the city, saying loudly what is good, and what is not. in the conduct of state affairs.

Notable actions by actors in bilateral diplomacy in the face of abusesagainst of the press.

In view of this toxic atmosphere intentionally created against the media ecosystem in Guinea, we can somewhat be satisfied with the concerns that the actors of bilateral diplomacy have shown. The ambassadors of friendly countries accredited in Guinea, since it is them, have even carried out certain interpellative actions towards the transitional power in the face of the overall degradation of the Internet, the restriction of networks social, and the abuses of which the media were, and still are, victims. We will remember well the various press releases produced by the latter in this regard, and the few meetings they had with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and Guineans.s established abroad.

He is everything of It is also important to note the exception to this remarkable action by the ambassadors of friendly countries to Guinea. It is the French embassy which seems much less attentive to this situation of violation of fundamental freedoms. Very regrettable when we know that France is renowned for being ”the country of human rights”.

The silence and complicity of multilateral institutions in the face of the violation of freedoms in Guinea.

Multilateral institutions represented in all countries of the world including Guinea, which defend values ​​related to Culture, freedoms of thought, opinion, policy, press, those who bring of the fundings development, donations, and loans to so-called democratic states, should be sensitive to this kind of situation in any country where they bring chelp and support.

Unfortunately for six months the media,oxygen of all true democracy, are victims of a campaign of destruction, of persecution in Guinea, the French-speaking world, the European Union, the United Nations system, the African Union, ECOWAS, shine through un silence monacal. However, these institutions have their representatives based in Guinea, Who quietly carry out their activity agendas, are aware of major news in the country, receive or are receiveds by senior officials of the transitional power in place.

Meanwhile, the World Bank and the IMF,l’AFD, etc.., concerned with issues relating to transparent economic governance, security of private investments, vulnerability, the poverty, l’employment, continue to affect hundreds of millions of dollars either in donations or development support to a government that intentionally destroys private businesses, pfor the simple fact that they are media, employing journalists who disturb through journalistic genres that are very critical of their regime on a daily basis. The consequencethis being losses ofjobs, thus opening the door to new destitute people and potential candidates for exile.

The worst part of the story is the absence of any sign of attention, of empathy, of those who, having the apparatus of the State in their hands, should be the first to be sensitive to the fate of those of their compatriots who are affected par social shocks.

Instead, according to indiscretions which reach us from sources well versed in the secrets of the system in place, the main architects of this campaign to make press companies and media people more precarious, are royally mocking this situation in these terms :’‘We will destroy them, and will make them bite dust in this country”.

However, itThe aforementioned multilateral economic institutions in no way condition their current partnership with the transition regime by strict compliance with all these values ​​to which they claim to hold.

Isn’t that a big hypocrisy?

By analogy, one would even say that we pass for the Palestinians of Guinea, victimss of leviathan ”Power” who does not hold back his blow, with the blessing of those who haveint could and of to be the dissuasive forces in the face of the machine of destruction.

While waiting for the persecution to stop, make way for resilience and at stoicism.
”For the guidance of our rulers”: The title of the next column for the happiness of all critical minds of the republic.

Mamadou Oury DIALLO

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