Kompani Lauritzen, News | The “Kompani Lauritzen” captain reveals an unknown side: – Was happy to go to parties

by time news

(THE ONLINE NEWSPAPER): John Hammersmark (51) has become a regular TV face for Norwegian TV viewers in recent years.

Since 2022, he has been known as the “Captain” in “Kompani Lauritzen” on TV 2, where he has pushed the limits of the celebrity participants and provided close follow-up of their achievements and willpower.

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Hammersmark has a long career behind him in the Norwegian Armed Forces, where he has carried out a number of risky missions abroad.

But what the 51-year-old’s life was like before he became part of the Armed Forces has been an unknown chapter for most.

– Happy with speed and excitement

In a recent interview with Here and now Hammersmark reflects on his early career in the Armed Forces, and he says that being in a military system with clear requirements was very educational for him.

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When Hammersmark was 19 years old, he started at the Command School in the Army, and what started as his first service turned out to be a full 23 years of work for the fatherland.

– I really enjoyed joining the Armed Forces. There are very clear requirements, and you have to stay within them and perform as you must in a military system, he says to the weekly.

John Hammersmark has not answered Nettavisen’s inquiries.

15 of these years he was in the Norwegian Armed Forces’ special command, where he carried out a number of risky foreign missions in, among other places, Afghanistan and Bosnia.

Before the military became a big part of Hammersmark’s life, sport was also a big part of his identity in his youth, but the 51-year-old was also fond of a good party:

– Then I was very interested in sports, but also happy to go to parties. I’ve never been on edge with anything, but always loved speed and excitement, he reveals.

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Drinking beer and reflecting

It has been several years since Hammersmark served in the Armed Forces and the TV industry has increasingly become a larger part of his life.

The 51-year-old usually gives lectures around the country and for large parts of the year he is busy with the recordings of both “Kompani Lauritzen” and “Kompani Lauritzen: Tropp”.

You are used to seeing a serious and strict Hammersmark in the TV concept, but he reveals that he is far from a strict figure in private.

He usually devotes time to training, friends and family. And he still loves a party:

– I am very fond of beer. I enjoy myself like everyone else, he says and adds that he loves to enjoy himself.

But parties and fun are not the only things that occupy the 51-year-old’s free time, and he tells the magazine that he often finds peace in nature.

He doesn’t want to go so far as to describe himself as “Lars Monsen”, but he does a lot of reflecting when he’s out and about.

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