Terni, in the city council it’s a question of ‘assholes’: Bandecchi ‘kicked out’

by time news

Bandecchi shows in the city council, but the president Francescangeli shows her ‘balls’ and kicks him out, Insults and threats at Palazzo Spada

“I’ll give you two pizzas, you pieces of shit, you don’t mean shit anymore, you don’t understand a thing, you piss me off, fuck you, you don’t exist anymore, you have to stay silent, you shitty managers” – here is the Bandecchi dixit from the mayor’s seat of Terni, during today’s city council meeting, April 29th. Bad language as a weapon and intimidation towards the opposition continue to be the preferred tools of the man who declared that he will be elected prime minister with 40% of the votes. If the way of expressing oneself is proportional to the height of the office, blasphemy and excommunication await us. But let’s stay with the more ‘humble’ municipal council of Terni, where the ‘bandecchia’ continue to take center stage despite the real problems of the city. From the seats of Palazzo Spada the limit seems to have been reached, at least for us country journalists, who do not understand the limits that can be tolerated in the highest representation room of the city’s democracy.

Question of ‘balls’ and ‘balls’, Bandecchi fired

“Mr Mayor please” – Prime Minister Francescangeli had her work cut out to keep Bandecchi calm as he responded to Councilor Filipponi: “You throw me out” – replied the mayor and Francescangeli ‘courageously’ invited him to come out, showing ‘his balls’ while waiting for the ‘balls’. Bandecchi therefore left the courtroom. Chaos. Councilor Schenardi takes the floor: “Last time I said that Cecconi had balls like a rabbit and I confirm it – said Schenardi, addressing FdI councilor Cinzia Fabrizi – I hope that you have the same ears that I have to hear what is being said behind you (where other FdI councilors and Councilor Cecconi himself, the one in the near fight with Bandecchi, are sitting, ed.). We are representatives of the institutions both here and on social media, where we are allowed to say certain things about the mayor“. Then it’s the turn of the deputy mayor, Riccardo Corridore, who intervenes on a personal matter: “Dear councilor Fabrizi, yours is hypocritical respectability, you are making a totally hypocritical reconstruction of the facts compared to my last speech to the city council. When I spoke the advice was suspended and leads those who listen to it into error. When I asked to speak, the closest councilors, such as Schenardi and Iapadre, listened to Cecconi say to the undersigned ‘Let’s see what this idiot has to say’. If Cecconi wants to call me an idiot, do it in person. He calls me, we go over there and he says to my face ‘you’re an idiot’. To do this you need the attributes, dear Cecconi.”

Bandecchi, foul language and threats as a weapon

Bandecchi takes the floor after the motion of no confidence: “I didn’t understand who the vote of no confidence was addressed to – there Bandecchi – one thing is sure: my lawyers will have in their hands this piece of paper stupidly written by incompetents and they will find the details to take you all to court. The police throw this asshole out here – referring to the PD councilor, Francesco Filipponi who intervened in the general brawl after the mayor’s ‘respects’ directed at Cecconi – shut up, shut up, do you want me to come there? Enough otherwise you’ll also get two pizzas today. You’re the only one left who doesn’t understand shit. I give a million to this city with my university – referring to private security – and you scoundrels didn’t even put 5 euros into it.” Ipse dixit. It is not difficult to understand why, in the speech of April 25, Bandeecchi said that he would be a fascist (even if he added that fortunately he won the right side of history, ed.).

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