Tiger and processionary mosquitoes, action is taken in Bassa – Bassa Atesina

by times news cr

2024-05-02 12:17:01

BASS ATESINA. In truth, this crazy month of April that we are about to leave behind has also played its part and has driven us out of our minds from a meteorological point of view, with absurd rebounds in temperatures and continuous climate changes. Conditions that ultimately favored the “awakening” of the insects that everyone hates most: the mosquitoes. In particular the tigers, the true curse of spring and summer evenings.

Even in Bassa, as now at every latitude in Italy, the problem has reached truly unbearable dimensions and so the municipal administrations must take action. The cold of recent days has already given way to the warm sun of these hours, but the rains could soon return: a blessing for mosquitoes. The municipal administration of Salorno has moved forward by calling on its citizens to implement virtuous behaviors in the name of prevention: «It is with the arrival of spring that the phenomenon of mosquitoes presents itself; the spread of the tiger mosquito today also affects our territory. In this regard we have prepared a program environmental disinfestation which involves a series of targeted treatments. Hence the need for a due commitment on the part of everyone since for maximum effectiveness in the fight against mosquitoes it is necessary to prevent reproduction”.

Through a specialized company, doses are administered every year antilarval products, mainly in manholes, drains and fountains. But the tiger mosquito is not the only insect that infests (also) the Bassa. There processionary represents another emergency now present in a large part of the territory. A Now, for example, the Rio Nero area has always been among those most affected by the problem. For this reason, this year too the municipal administration has decided to proceed with strong methods by entrusting the task of carrying out the construction to a specialized company (the Trentino company Garbari). removal of nests of processionary moth on various trees in the sports area and the immediate surroundings. An intervention to be implemented even before the good weather arrives, so as to anticipate the exit of the insect from the nest and the departure of the infamous “processionary moth”. An action that involves a cost of a few thousand euros for the municipal coffers, in addition to all the hassles and inconveniences that this problem brings with it. GL.M.

2024-05-02 12:17:01

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