Strong recommendations at the start of the fire season – 2024-05-03 02:30:56

by times news cr

2024-05-03 02:30:56

Editorial RoomCurrent Affairs

The fire season in our country started on May 1st and will last until October 31st, during which a number of prohibitions and obligations apply.

In the context of continuous information and public awareness, the Regional Fire Administration of Epirus strongly advises citizens to be especially careful and avoid any outdoor activity that may cause a fire. Also, to consult the local Fire Services regarding the prohibited and/or permitted subject to conditions, actions, activities and work in the countryside, the taking of the prescribed fire protection measures and means, the fire risk category, according to the issued by the General Secretariat of Civil Protection, daily fire risk prediction map, as well as for any other relevant information.
It also invites them to follow relevant announcements about forest fires on the website of the Fire Service at the online address and to look for self-protection instructions from the dangers of forest fires on the website of the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection at the online address
It is announced that, throughout the fire fighting season, extensive checks – patrols will be carried out to prevent the start and spread of fires, but also to verify compliance with the provisions of the new Fire Regulation no. 9/2024 (Issue B’

In the context of continuous information and public awareness, the Regional Fire Administration of Epirus strongly advises citizens to be especially careful and avoid any outdoor activity that may cause a fire. Also, to consult the local Fire Services regarding the prohibited and/or permitted subject to conditions, actions, activities and work in the countryside, the taking of the prescribed fire protection measures and means, the fire risk category, according to the issued by the General Secretariat of Civil Protection, daily fire risk prediction map, as well as for any other relevant information.

He also invites them to follow relevant announcements about forest firess on the website of the Fire Service at the online address and to look for self-protection instructions from the dangers of forest fires, on the website of the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection at the online address

It is announced thatthroughout the fire prevention period, extensive checks – patrols will be carried out to avoid the start and spread of fires, but also to verify compliance with the provisions of new Fire Department no. 9/2024 (Issue B’ 2387/22.04.2024) on the subject: “Definition of measures and means for the prevention and avoidance of fires in forests, forest, grassland and rural areas, parks and groves of cities and residential areas, areas with special protection status, other areas located near these areas as well as in plots of land”. It is pointed out thatthe failure to comply with the provisions of the above Fire Regulations will result in high administrative fines in accordance with the provisions of new Fire Department no. 19/2024 (Issue B’ 2550/30.04.2024) on the subject: “Determination of the manner, type and procedure for imposing and collecting the administrative fine, the objection procedure thereon, as well as any other necessary detail for the implementation of par. 3 of of article 167 of Law 4662/2020 (A’ 27), regarding violations of the fire protection regulations under the jurisdiction of the Fire Brigade”.

It is emphasized that severe criminal penalties are now foreseen according to the new criminal code.

The obligation of the owners, usufructuary, tenants or sub-tenants of the plots and other uncovered areas, to clean and maintain them, throughout the fire season, i.e. from May 1 to October 31, to prevent danger causing a fire or its rapid expansion.

If you see smoke, flames or anything that could lead to a fire, call 199 or 112 immediately and give clear information about your location and exact location, the exact location and direction of the fire, the strength of the wind in the area and the type of burning vegetation, immediately leave the area and follow the instructions of the competent authorities, facilitate the access of the Fire Brigade.

“The protection of human life and our natural wealth is the business of all of us”, concludes the Regional Fire Administration of Epirus.

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