Understanding Memory Impairments and Word Finding Difficulties: When to Take Them Seriously and What You Can Do

by time news

2024-05-03 03:21:48

  1. kreisbot-de
  2. Life
  3. Health

Memory impairments can become more common as you get older. However, word finding difficulties are not always common. When to take them seriously and what those affected can do about it.

From the age of 30 onwards, memory performance declines to a minimum. As we get older, memory lapses become more and more common. About 60 percent of women over 50, but also many men of this age, struggle with forgetfulness and difficulty finding words. Language problems can be extremely unpleasant in everyday life and at work.

Word finding disorders: When are memory gaps normal?

Crosswords are one of the classic memory exercises: the tasks can help keep the brain active. © HalfPoint Images/Imago

In addition to the typical symptoms such as sweating, sleep disorders and mood swings during menopause, many women suffer from memory impairments, confusion and lack of attention span. In everyday life, this is often caused by forgetting appointments and names as well as poor concentration.

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Although the acute symptoms lessen over the years for most women, the mental and physical problems can be profound. Geo.de be a problem in the long term. The changes associated with menopause can increase the risk of developing dementia in women later in life. But stress and sleep disorders can also cause you to struggle to find the right words. Chronic stress can lead to poor concentration and… memory problems lead.

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Treating Word Finding Disorder: Here’s What You Can Do

Word finding disorder refers to the expert in the scientific journal spectrum According to this, there are recurrent pauses where words are not found at all or are found with difficulty and incorrect words are used. It also indicates stopping the flow of speech or breaking off a sentence while speaking.

Is the Causes of word finding disorder They cannot be attributed to biological or psychological illnesses, usually those affected can do something about themselves. In addition to neurological treatments and drugs, the following measures can help with temporary speech disorders:

  • Memory training: Reading, crossword puzzles and targeted exercises keep the brain active and can prevent word-finding problems.
  • Reduce stress: Relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, yoga and mental training can help in stressful situations, according to the health magazine Onmeda.
  • Regular exercise: Sport and exercise in the fresh air will not only improve your circulation. The brain also benefits from exercise.
  • Be creative: Even if you can’t paint, you should encourage your creative streak every now and then. Hand-eye coordination and painting promote concentration and can help with word-finding difficulties.
  • Lifelong learning: Starting a new hobby or learning a new sport helps the brain make new connections. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a musical instrument or golf – unknown processes also train the brain.

This article contains only general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It does not replace a visit to the doctor in any way. Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

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