What is thrombosis and what symptoms does this disease cause?

by time news

This disease is the third cause of cardiovascular death after acute myocardial infarction and stroke. However, it can be treated, says the University of Navarra Clinic.

What is thrombosis with thrombocytopenia?

It is a life-threatening condition associated with vaccination against Covid-19.

The World Health Organization (WHO) points out that this type of case has been described in people who had received vaccines vectored by non-replicating adenovirus (the ChAdOx1-S vaccine, from AstraZeneca, and the Ad26.COV2-S vaccine, from Janssen/Johnson & Johnson).

Pharmaceutical giant AztraZeneca has admitted that its Covid-19 vaccine may have side effects, according to documents submitted to a court in the United Kingdom.

The company was sued by a group of people who claim that the immunization has caused the death of dozens of people, while others have been seriously injured, according to a report in the British newspaper The Telegraph.

AstraZeneca is contesting the claims but has accepted, in a legal document submitted to the High Court in February, that its Covid-19 vaccine “may, in very rare cases, cause TTS (Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome).”

Where does thrombosis occur?

Thrombosis is usually classified based on where in the body it occurs.

There are two types: venous and arterial. Both types are influenced by acquired or inherited risk factors, although the risk factors are different for each one, says the World Thrombosis Day site.

How is it detected?

It is advisable to always go to the doctor to have a precise diagnosis, however there are some general symptoms such as localized pain in the venous tract of the leg, which increases with dorsiflexion of the foot; edema of the extremity that is soft and progresses from the root of the affected limb, in which there is a sensation of heaviness and a certain degree of functional impotence, and increased local heat in the extremity.

“There are general symptoms, such as fever, increased heart rate and respiratory symptoms, such as cough, dyspnea and occasionally hemoptysis as manifestations of a pulmonary embolism,” says the University of Navarra.

What causes thrombosis?

There is no determining factor that causes it, but there are some risk factors such as injuries or trauma, cancer, undiagnosed deficiency of coagulation factors, obesity and coagulation abnormalities.

What treatments do you have?

Treating these types of conditions always requires medical attention and monitoring.

It can be treated with medications to dissolve clots in the blood or with surgery.

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