Dimitris Vartzopoulos: What is his response after the reactions to his statement

by time news

“The attempt to create impressions reaches the point of denial and simple logic”, replies the Deputy Minister of Health Dimitris Vartzopoulos, after the reactions caused by his statement that “it is the nature of things for the male to be the aggressive, consequently the concept of femicide really has a biological basis.”

It is recalled that the Dimitris Vartzopoulos in a recent interview he gave to Livemedia argued that femicides have a “biological basis”.

In particular, he said that “in all the fauna, in every form of living being the male is more aggressive because in nature it is he who hunts the food and undertakes the aggressive claim. The female is for other jobs. To make it tick. Either it happens in the herd, or it happens in the binary form that we have in homo sapiens. It is the nature of the male to be aggressive, therefore femicide has a biological basis.”

What does he answer after the reactions?

«What I said and mean is the self-evident, that there are different biological characteristics of the sexes, that the male usually has greater physical strength, so he is more dangerous in his aggression than the female. Therefore, there should be special provisions and special mechanisms to limit the possibility, of course for many social and other reasons, of aggression and violence against women. ‘So the concept of femicide is absolutely correct and should be dealt with completely and effectively“, states Mr. Vartzopoulos.

The deputy minister speaks of arbitrary and provocative interpretations.

«I mean, I said and I support exactly the opposite of arbitrary and provocative interpretations. And lest we forget: When in the past was there such an organized effort to protect women from violence against them?

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The Mitsotakis Government shows in practice what it believes“, ends up.

Kasselakis: I request the immediate dismissal of Dimitris Vartzopoulos from the government

In the statements of Dimitris Vartzopoulos, the president of SYRIZA-PS, Stefanos Kasselakis, is mentioned in a post on social media, at the same time directing his fire against the prime minister.

Specifically, it states:So far, Mr. Mitsotakis. You have covered a pro-Nazi candidate, a Hun candidate, a homophobic MP. Now, this far. No “41%” gives you the right to keep in the position of deputy minister of health a man who gives a biological alibi for femicides and underestimates female nature. I request the immediate dismissal of Mr. Vartzopoulos from the government and from the K.O. of N.D. If Mr. Mitsotakis keeps him as his deputy, let him explain to the women voters of the ND. because he thinks that ‘women are for other jobs, to tickle’, as his undersecretary believes – and of course not Freud”.


Dimitris Vartzopoulos: Uproar with his statements – “The male is aggressive by nature, femicide has a biological basis” (VIDEO)

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