New player in the wholesale fiber market: The “Partner” group will enable telecommunications providers to sell services through its infrastructure.

by time news

Avi Zvi Partner CEO – Photo: Israel Shem Tov

New player in the wholesale fiber market: The “Partner” group will enable telecommunications providers to sell services through its infrastructure.

The communications group will offer suppliers competitive prices in relation to market prices and thus is expected to increase supply and lower the monthly cost to the final consumer.

The “Partner” communications group will enable communications providers to offer consumers wholesale model services based on its fiber-optic infrastructure.

To date, the only companies that have allowed telecommunications providers to use their fiber infrastructure are Bezeq and IBC. Now that it has reached a significant retirement all over the country, “Partner” has decided to allow providers to also use its independent fiber infrastructure, which allows for high and powerful browsing speed. Preliminary agreements were recently signed with suppliers 099 and ITC, and further agreements are expected to be signed later.

This move by “Partner” comes as part of the company’s ongoing strategy to become the leading communications group in Israel, providing infrastructure and services. “Partner” will offer suppliers competitive prices in relation to market prices, and thus is actually expected to increase supply and lower the monthly cost to the end consumer. That is, a consumer will now be able to connect to “Partner”‘s fibers even through offers from competing companies.

Avi Zvi Partner CEO – Photo: Israel Shem Tov

According to its data for the third quarter of 2021, “Partner” deployed an independent fiber infrastructure in more than 660,000 households throughout the country, including in the periphery and detached houses. The company expects that by the end of 2022 it will reach about one million connected households. The number of the company’s fiber subscribers stands at over 200,000 households.

Just recently, Partner announced two significant fiber deals. The first is an agreement with IBC so that Partner can, in the opposite direction, offer services based on IBC’s infrastructure. The second is to expand the deployment of fiber infrastructure in Israel in order to provide international communications operators with access and transmission between the Far East and the Gulf states to Europe, thus enabling a viable alternative to existing connections through the Suez Canal..

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