Mexican Episcopate asks not to make conjectures in the case of Bishop

by times news cr

2024-05-05 08:43:38

After this morning the state security commissioner of Morelos, José Antonio Ortiz Guarneros reported that the bishop Salvador Rangel Mendoza he voluntarily entered a motel in Morelos, the Mexican Episcopate has issued a letter in which he asks not to “make guesses” about what happened this weekend.

And in the midst of this information it was also revealed that he had allegedly entered accompanied by a person of the same sex and that after carrying out a series of studies, substances such as cocaine and benzodiazepines were found in his body.

“As a church, we trust the Institutions and that leads us to leave the corresponding investigation in the hands of the authorities. For now we only ask, respectfully, that conjectures and speculations that unnecessarily weaken the case be avoided, taking into account human dignity,” the document reads.

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Likewise, the Episcopate shared that as soon as the bishop is discharged, he will make a statement about what happened.

“As soon as he has the required health conditions, Bishop Salvador Rangel himself will make his statement and inform him in a timely manner,” reads the same statement signed by Ramon Castro Castro, Bishop of Cuernavaca.

“We already gave the evidence in the case to the prosecution. As far as we know, he voluntarily entered the hotel, with a person of the same sex, and that person later left,” the state security commissioner of Morelos told the press. José Antonio Ortiz Guarneros.

Amid the questions from the press, the commissioner reported that there is no more information since the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Morelos came to take control of the scene.

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2024-05-05 08:43:38

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