High cholesterol and diabetes, a new ally: spirulina algae

by time news

Spirulina algae, the new ally for high cholesterol and diabetes

A good dietary habit can have an excellent prevention effect on diabetes and cholesterol. Two recent studies, published in Journal Of Medicinal Food It is on Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders have demonstrated the benefits of spirulina algae among patients with diabetes and cholesterol.

Spirulina, improperly known as alga, it is a cyanobacterium with a characteristic intense green color with blue hues, rich in nutritional properties. The concentration of B vitamins, iron, copper, beta-carotene and Omega3 present in spirulina it affects the decrease of “bad” or Ldl cholesterol, the increase of “good” or HDL and the rapid lowering of triglycerides, as stated in the Journal of Medicinal Food.

Both studios have involved 25 volunteers with type 2 diabetes, whose 2 grams of spirulina were given a day for two months. THE improvements in the state of health of patients have been sensitive and confirmed by the two researches. One of the two studies also highlighted the post-prandial glycemic decrease.

The data that emerged opens up new possibilities for the use of spirulina, which is possible ally of red rice in the fight against diabetes and high cholesterol. To take spirulina it is advisable to insert it in smoothies and salads, only after the opinion of the general practitioner.


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