In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano on February 15: “Banda Bassotti” Father Renzi says it. Tragic Lily The letter to his son in the records of his trial

by time news

The best. Today the council of ministers

Beaches yes, bills no: the priorities in order not to split the majority

Wave upon wave. The premier avoids the risky vote on the FdI motion. Salvini disavows Giorgetti on the super building discount: “It’s very useful”


“Me, recovered with two vaccines, but taken off the train”

Girl left at night at the station in Pavia

The Ukrainian crisis. Winds of war

Moscow, first round: Kiev no longer trusts Zelenski

Negative polls. The president trudges as the Kremlin opens to a deal and holds back exercises

Deflated ball

A candidate is the master of sick football: Bonomi’s own goal

The other descent into the field. Subsidy of millionaires. Del Pino’s succession: the League is looking for a lobbyist to obtain state aid

The portrait

“His” industrialists love him a little, he throws himself into Serie A

Almost a redundancy. The retreat

after the case of Lorenzo

Ancona, dies at 16 during the internship “School-work alternation and sick system”

He was 16. She was studying in a vocational training center in the Marche Region and was doing an internship in the field of thermo-hydraulics. He died in a road accident in Serra de ‘Conti, near Ancona. Yesterday morning Giuseppe Lenoci, from Monte Urano, in the province of Fermo, was traveling in the passenger seat in the company van in the […]

Sogin identifies 14 sites

Radioactive waste in Tuscia, part of the revolt of the mayors

The moment is approaching when Sogin, the state-owned company that deals with the disposal and management of nuclear materials, will confirm or not whether 14 sites for the storage of radioactive waste will be built in the territory of Tuscia. The mayors of the municipalities involved (Montalto Castro, Tuscania, Ischia) line up against this choice […]

Reform. The parties and the Cartabia

From the CSM draw to the “revolving doors”: the government risks

It is still time for messages in a bottle, but the Democratic Party is ready to barricade it: if in the Chamber unprecedented alliances will be created aimed at introducing the draw for the election of the CSM (a draw which, for example, Forza Italia likes so much but also the M5S), the government could take a risk. Much more than turmoil. “Self […]

The choices of the CSM

Prosecutors, Viola and De Lucia aim for Palermo. The race for Milan starts: Patrono is on pole

Today we get to the heart of the first, important appointment that the High Council of the Judiciary will have to face between now and the summer: the Fifth Commission will listen to the candidates for the post of prosecutor of Milan, vacated by Francesco Greco, in retirement. Meanwhile, the announcement for that of prosecutor in Palermo and between the […]

Fight against pedophilia

The Pope divides the former Holy Office into 2 in an anti-inflammatory key

Pope Francis strengthens the fight against the pedophilia of the clergy. Bergoglio changed the internal structure of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, a department which for almost a quarter of a century was led by the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. From now on, the former Holy Office will have two sections: a “doctrinal” and a “disciplinary”, each coordinated by a secretary […]

“Health reasons”

B. will not be in the courtroom, but on Saturday he was at the Monza stadium

Summoned for today before the Court in Monza as an offended person in the trial in which Giovanna Rigato, one of the guests of the evenings in Arcore, is accused of having tried to extort one million euros from him, Silvio Berlusconi has presented a request for postponement for legitimate impediment for health reasons. The request, with attached documentation […]

18 year old disappeared in Novellara

Saman, the cousin arrested in Spain

Nomanhulaq Nonamhulaq, cousin of Saman Abbas, a fugitive and investigated for the kidnapping, murder and concealment of the body of the 18-year-old disappeared from 30 April 2021 from Novellara, was arrested in an apartment in the center of Barcelona. Previously, another cousin, Ikram Ijaz, and his uncle Danish Hasnain were arrested in France, both extradited to […]

Killed in 2020 in Trentino

Murder Agito, 20 years old confessed Ghanaian offender

Twenty years in prison: this is the sentence that the GUP of Trento Enrico Borrelli inflicted on Suleiman Adams, 31, from Ghana, confessed to the murder and sexual violence of Agitu Ideo Gudeta, the goat farmer who fled Ethiopia for escape persecution and killed in Frassilongo, in the Trentino Val dei Mocheni, on 28 December 2020. The prosecutor […]

Acilia, was a bouncer

Rome, 47 years old killed with three gunshots

Five point-blank hits, 3 hit the mark. Thus died Paolo Corelli, 48, killed in Acilia, on the southern outskirts of Rome. An action carried out by “inexperienced hands” according to the investigators, by a killer perhaps improvised and escaped on foot after the raid. An ambush that does not seem to fall within the perimeter of the […]


From the Tar new pickaxe to the Green pass to work

This time there is not only the order to pay unpaid wages. The president of the first section bis of the Lazio TAR, Riccardo Savoia, temporarily suspended the removal from service of 26 unvaccinated soldiers from various departments of the Army, Air Force and Carabinieri whose commanders, in some cases, already yesterday they started calling them back in […]

he folder

Superbonus, no scams: costs out of control behind the attack

The numbers. They weigh only 3%

On construction sites

Tax credits, 3 transfers “Obligation of construction contracts”

The clash between Palazzo Chigi and the majority parties on the matter of building tax credits, in particular the Superbonus, has found a square. Saturday 19, when the bills chapter arrives at the Council of Ministers, the new regulations will also be linked to the decree on expensive energy to restart, in safety, the work after the […]

In Twitter veritas

Nobles and the war against the norm, but Renziano is among the proponents

Other than banana peel, the one on which Luciano Nobili slipped yesterday struggling with a quarrel via Twitter with Carlo Calenda on the Superbonus issue. From a social dispute it has turned into a noteworthy gaffe for the deputy of Italia Viva. It all starts with a tweet from the leader of Action, Calenda […]

The other pandemic

Environment, the talkers in the catastrophe

Behind the constitutional protection. Our Charter provides innovative guarantees. But behind the “green” declamations it is inaction that dominates: we are not at all headed towards the ecological transition

Lite about Dick

London, police against Khan: “We no longer trust him”

It clashes between the largest category organization of the British police – the Met Police Federation, which has about 31,000 members – and the Labor Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, for the way in which the first citizen of the capital has forced Cressida Dick to resign. Scotland Yard’s first declared female and gay commander […]

Palazzo Chigi

Italy remains marginal. Dragons delegated by Di Maio

Today Luigi Di Maio will be in Kiev to speak with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba. A meeting with the president, Volodymyr Zelenski, is also possible. Diplomatic sources then confirm what was made known by the Russian counterpart, Sergej Lavrov: Di Maio will be in Moscow on Thursday. Thus, in the end, Italy too is mobilized for the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. But […]

Tom Tom

From the Maidan revolt to the “Minsk agreements”

The stages. After independence

Sandro Ferri. “The presumptuous publisher” of and / or

“The book is like God: it resurrects”

From the bedroom to Ferrante


Farewell to Reitman, the father of the four “Ghostbusters”

Director and producer, he was one of the protagonists of the comedy: he shot the series “Ghostbusters”, but he also produced “Animal house”

On stage

“Casanova”, a 007 faithful to the Serenissima. Other than unrepentant libertine: he was a poet

Canzian’s pop musical is on tour

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