Colombian Association of Hospitals and Clinics (Achc) – 2024-05-07 03:48:28

by times news cr

2024-05-07 03:48:28

The Colombian Association of Hospitals and Clinics (Achc) has issued a revealing report on the outstanding debts in the Colombian health system. According to the report, as of December 2023, a total of 221 institutional health service providers have an accumulated debt of $16.8 billion. The most alarming figure is that the EPS are the largest debtors, with a red balance that amounts to $12.3 trillion.

Juan Carlos Giraldo, director of the Achc, pointed out that 54% of this debt is in default, which reflects a persistent failure in the Colombian health system. Giraldo commented that, despite the efforts and measures taken over the years, the portfolio continues to grow and delinquencies remain dangerously high levels.

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In addition to the debts of the EPS, Giraldo highlighted that the hospitals included in the report are also creditors of the State for an amount of $1.5 billion.

The report also reveals that Colombia has 11,382 Health Service Providing Institutions (IPS), 91% of which are private. According to Giraldo, accounts receivable in favor of these institutions throughout the country amount to $38.2 billion, according to figures compiled by the National Health Superintendence.

Faced with this situation, Giraldo called for the reform of the health system, emphasizing the importance of defending the coexistence of the public and private hospital sectors. In addition, he urged the Government to take measures to guarantee liquidity and reach a universal consensus among the agents of the system, with the aim of serving the population beyond administrative problems.

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Meanwhile, EPS Sura proposed that the State assume all financial risk of healthcare, arguing that insufficient revenue to cover expenses has been a main cause of poor financial indicators in the sector. This proposal arises amid efforts to develop a new health reform text that addresses systemic challenges.

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