They discover a Castro repressor waiting to cross to the United States – 2024-05-07 21:10:37

by times news cr

2024-05-07 21:10:37

Outraged Cubans denounce the presence of the Castro repressor, Claudio Saldivar, former chief of the Moa police in Holguín, Mexico, where he awaits CBP ONE permission to cross the border into the United States.

This Castro repressor is the subject of serious accusations by the Cuban community.

Through social networks, Cuban citizens express their repudiation of the Castro repressor Saldivar, who, according to testimonies, perpetrated numerous acts of violence and repression in Cuba.

Among the most serious accusations are the death of a father and the repression of opponents of the regime.

Alexei Liranza Matos, raising his voice in a Facebook group, urges the community to denounce Saldivar’s presence in Mexico, describing him as an individual responsible for serious human rights violations in Cuba. “I want to denounce that this man who did so much damage to the town of Moa, and to other municipalities, going unpunished for several violations, including the death of a father due to his drunkenness, this man is currently in Mexico to cross into the United States. “said Matos.

The activist Niover Licea joins the complaint and calls on Cubans present in Mexico to identify Saldivar and alert the US authorities about his presence on the border, with the aim of preventing him from accessing North American territory to continue causing harm.

Cubans demand justice and that those responsible for crimes against humanity, like this Castro repressor, do not find refuge in other countries. The wait for the CBP ONE permit thus becomes an opportunity to confront impunity and ensure that those responsible are held accountable before the law.

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Editorial Cubans around the World

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