Challenge League: Nyon finds the net again

by time news

– Nyon finds the net again

Published: 05/03/2024, 10:21 p.m.

Christophe Caschili’s men occupy sixth place in the standings.


Lacking offensive realism, Stade Nyonnais had to take advantage of its trip to Schaffhausen to regain confidence in front of the opposing goal. On the penultimate pitch, the Vaudois ended a series of four matches without finding the net. Which did not prevent them from conceding a draw during the 33rd day of the Challenge League (1-1).

Christophe Caschili’s men had to wait until the 51st minute and a success from Sidiki Camara to put an end to more than 480 minutes of silence. Well served by his captain Luca Gazzetta, the 21-year-old from Geneva, on loan this season from Servette, scored his second goal of the year. The Vaudois could have scored earlier, if Christian Gomis had not missed his duel against Gianni De Nitti (5th) or if the referee had awarded a penalty after a tackle by Simone Stroscio on Dylan Dugourd (41st).

Nyon misses the boat

The funny scene of this meeting took place in the 55th. On an imprecise back pass from one of his teammates, the Schaffhausen goalkeeper had no choice but to stop the ball with his hands to avoid an autogoal gag. Result: indirect free kick for the visitors on the 5 meter line. But the Nyonnais did not make good use of it, missing a great opportunity to double the lead.

This lack of realism was punished shortly after the hour mark. Raul Bobadilla, free from any marking, victoriously headed in a cross from Nuno da Silva (64th). This equalization allows Schaffhausen to obtain a point and ensure its maintenance in the Challenge League. Baden is relegated three days from the end.

With three days remaining, Stade Nyonnais occupies 6th place in the standings with 40 points. The Vaudois are three points ahead of Schaffhausen, 9th, and seven lengths behind Vaduz, 3rd. On the next day, the Stadistes will host Bellinzona next Thursday at Colovray (6 p.m.).

Schaffhausen – Stade Nyonnais 1-1 (0-0)

Performance arena, Schaffhausen. Referee: M. Schärli.

Buts: 51e Chamber 0-1. 64e Bobadilla 1-1.

Schaffhausen: De Nitti; Krasniqi (90e Lika), Lurvink, Kamber, Stroscio; da Silva (69e Giger), Sanogo, Chaiwa (90e Mbengi), Bunjaku; Bobadilla (81e Lenjani), Marleku (69e Halabaku). Coach: Christian Wimmer.

Nyonnais Stadium: Guedes; Gazzetta, Sow, Sylvestre-Brac, Strohbach (70th Busset), Sawadogo (70th Pasche); Petit, Camara (70th Camara), Carraco; Gomis (81st Abdallah), Dugourd (77th Escorza). Coach: Christophe Caschili.

Warnings: 20th Small. 55th De Nitti. 57th Chaiwa. 71st Pasche.

Florian Paccaudholder of a Master’s degree in sports sciences with a social sciences orientation, has been a journalist for Sport-Center since January 2021. A graduate of the CFJM, he also works as an agent, print editor and web pilot.More info


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