MTN and FEDIPRESSE join forces to revolutionize the written press in the digital age – 2024-05-08 00:41:57

by times news cr

2024-05-08 00:41:57

An innovative partnership between MTN Cameroon and the Federation of Press Publishers of Cameroon (FEDIPRESSE) aims to propel Cameroonian written media into the digital era. On the menu: training of journalists, digitalization of distribution and celebration of excellence. An initiative hailed as a breath of fresh air for a sector in search of modernity.

Telecommunications giant MTN Cameroon is once again demonstrating its commitment to innovation and media development. During the signing of the memorandum of understanding on May 3, 2024 in Yaoundé, Melvin Akam, General Manager Regulatory and Corporate Affairs, underlined the operator’s determination to “ support the growth and development of the Cameroonian media industry”.

At the heart of this partnership: training programs for journalists in digital writing, the use of the platform « Y’ello Kiosk » to increase the distribution of newspapers, and the institution of « MTN Y’ello Press Awards » to celebrate journalistic excellence. Ambitious and unique initiatives that could change the situation.

FEDIPRESSE salutes “an important step for the future of the written press”

On the FEDIPRESSE side, it’s a sigh of relief. Kristian Ngah, 1st Vice-President, sees in this partnership “a series of innovative solutions that will enable our members to enter the digital age, increase their reach and improve their efficiency”. A call also to the media to seize this opportunity by improving “ their content and professionalism.

Because it must be recognized, the Cameroonian written press is going through a zone of turbulence. Erosion of sales, competition from online media, high production costs… The challenges are numerous. This MTN-FEDIPRESSE partnership comes at the right time to create a new dynamic and help newspapers negotiate the digital shift.

Towards a more innovative and impactful Cameroonian written press?

With its technological expertise and its leadership in the Cameroonian market, MTN seems the ideal ally to support the digital transformation of the media. Training journalists in web writing should improve the quality and attractiveness of online content. « Y’ello Kiosk » promises wider distribution of newspapers, even reaching remote areas.

As to « MTN Y’ello Press Awards », they could create healthy emulation and encourage excellence. We can imagine a renewed public interest in a more modern, impactful and connected written press. Provided that publishers play the quality game.

The ball is in the media’s court. This MTN-FEDIPRESSE partnership opens up tempting prospects. It’s up to newspapers to reinvent themselves to get the most out of it. The future of the Cameroonian written press will depend on its ability to ride the digital wave. See you in a few months for a first assessment of this initiative which could be a landmark.

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