Monde Sauvage d’Avelle Celebrates Extraordinary Birth of Two Endangered Orangutans

by time news

Here at Monde Sauvage d’Avelle it is an extraordinary birth. The two little orangutans, an endangered species, were born last January and April. Two little females: Visitors were able to spot one of them for the first time today.

Muke, an orangutan, directly recognizes the voice of the person who treats him. With her little Soraya clutched to her stomach, she knows there are apples in store when she hears that sound.

Father Batak also deserves his breakfast. ,We talk to them a lot because primates are very expressive. They don’t have any voice, but that’s just the way it is. we interact with them all day long“, Damien, primate caretaker. Soraya was born on January 21 and saw the sun for the first time yesterday. Inside a building, little Jambi was born on April 16. They are part of a European program for orangutan conservation. Species.

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,It is a species that is listed as critically endangered on the planet.“, says Sabine Dubuisson, director of Monde Sauvage d’Avelle.They are endangered following the loss of their natural habitat linked to forestry and agricultural exploitation. It’s extraordinary, because at Wild World, we’ve had orangutans for 22 years and this is the first birth, the first two births.,

To enjoy his apples quietly, Mucke goes to the heights. Soraya is still very attached to her mother. Baby orangutan survival is never a foregone conclusion, but things are going very well: Mukay is very maternal and Batak is very protective.

orangutan ayvale

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