Military parade in Moscow commemorates victory in World War II

by time news

As of: May 9, 2024 1:33 p.m

The traditional military parade commemorating the victory in World War II took place in Moscow. Putin used it to portray the war against Ukraine as an alleged continuation of the fight against Nazis.

In 1945, the end of the Second World War was first sealed on May 8th at the headquarters of the US troops in Reims, France. Then, at the Soviet request, the ceremony of German surrender was repeated at the Red Army headquarters in Berlin-Karlshorst on May 9th. Since then, Russia has been commemorating Germany’s unconditional surrender after the Second World War 79 years ago on this day – with parades across the country. Today as well.

At the stroke of 10 a.m. Moscow time – i.e. at 9 a.m. in Germany – the ceremony commemorating the victory over Hitler’s fascism began; the end of the “Great Patriotic War” 79 years ago. In the stands: veterans, church and media representatives, high-ranking Russian military officials.

State guests are important for Putin

State guests such as the presidents of Laos, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Belarus were also there – important, above all, to show that Russia is not internationally isolated even in times of war against Ukraine. And especially important for Vladimir Putin.

In March, Putin was elected to the office of president for the fifth time – also with the help of election manipulation – and was sworn in just two days ago.

“Always ready to fight”

Putin took this May 9th – which he himself called a “people’s holy holiday” – as an opportunity to deliver his usual propaganda. He once again presented himself as a current fighter against fascism; for him, the leadership of Ukraine is always a group of “Nazis”. In his speech, Putin said:

Revanchism, a mockery of history and an attempt to justify contemporary Nazism, are part of the overall policy of the Western elites to foment ever more regional conflicts, ethnic and interreligious hatred and to contain sovereign, independent centers of world development.

“Independent centers of world development” – for example, Russia. As the country’s president, Putin said he wanted to prevent a world war. “But at the same time, we will not let anyone threaten us. Our strategic forces are always ready to fight.”

Putin primarily used his speech to attack “the Western elites.”

Demonstration of strength

An allusion to considerations in recent days: Western soldiers could fight against Russia in Ukraine and their weapons could be used against Russian territory. Putin did not use the word war in connection with Ukraine. As always, he called it a “military special operation” today:

We celebrate Victory Day during a special military operation. All participants, those on the front lines, are our heroes. We admire your resilience, your commitment and your self-sacrifice. All of Russia is with you.

Around 9,000 military personnel – including more than 1,000 soldiers serving in Ukraine – marched in a parade through Red Square, accompanied by a World War II “T34” tank, rocket launchers, anti-aircraft missiles and intercontinental ballistic missiles. The Air Force put on a show – a demonstration of Russia’s strength, even 79 years after the end of World War II.

Björn Blaschke, ARD Moscow, currently Tbilisi, tagesschau, May 9th, 2024 12:42 p.m

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