High cholesterol which cured meats to eat: 5 cold cuts you can say yes to

by time news

High cholesterol which cured meats to eat: here are 5 cold cuts that are low in fat and can be eaten in moderation

The sliced they are the ideal food for an aperitif or to open a lunch / dinner as an appetizer but for those who suffer from high cholesterol cured meats are not properly indicated. A low-fat diet is in fact the only way for people with this disorder, which is now widespread among Italians. THE cured meat in fact, they generally have a fair percentage of fat but some thanks to their particular characteristics can be consumed in moderation even by those suffering from high cholesterol.

We remind you that an excess of bad fats (LDL cholesterol) can increase the risk of the formation of plaques in the arteries which are the first cause of cardiovascular diseases serious like heart attack e stroke. Despite this, before changing your diet it is good to seek medical advice from an expert, nutritionist or dietician, who will provide you with more details on what is the most correct diet based on your specific organism.

High cholesterol which cured meats to eat: the products to avoid

If you suffer from high cholesterol it is good to remove from the table products that are too processed and contain a lot of fat such as sausages. Better to avoid cold cuts like the mortadella, pancetta, salami The sausage. These cured meats in fact have a high content of saturated fat which, instead of fighting it, favors the high cholesterol.

High cholesterol which cured meats to eat: 5 cold cuts that you cannot give up

Among the cured meats that can be consumed without exaggerating among those suffering from high cholesterol there are the cooked ham, raw ham, speck, bresaola e Turkey breast. The advice is to eliminate excess visible fat to make them even leaner. These cold cuts contain on average 50-70 mg of cholesterol per 100 g of product but in general they are low in fat and carbohydrates. On the contrary, they are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and above all proteins.

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